Friday 14th June to Saturday 15th June 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As part of our enrichment programme, we are offering the Year 4 children an overnight camp on the school field. They will camp in our lovely bell tents, will have lots of fun activities over the evening, have pizza from the pizza oven for dinner and enjoy a night walk in the woods.
The children will need to be brought back to the school field at 6:00pm on Friday 14th of June where Mr Ball, Mrs Dudley and Miss Parnowski will meet and greet them. Children will need to be collected after they have had their breakfast at 9am on Saturday 15th of June from the school field.
Breakfast will be croissants, pains aux chocolats and juice. There is no cost for the evening but you will need to provide your child with a sleeping mat, pillow and sleeping bag/duvet to make them comfortable as well as suitable clothing for the weather on the day.
If you would like your child to take part in the event, please complete the slip below and hand it back in to Reception. I am sure they will have a fantastic evening.
We are holding a meeting this Thursday (see earlier letter) when you can ask any questions you may have.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Ball
Educational Trips Co-ordinator
- I would like my child to take part in this visit or activity and having read the information provided agree to him/her taking part in the activities described.
- I consent to any emergency medical treatment required by my child during the course of the visit.
- I confirm that my child is in good health and I consider him/her fit to participate.