KS1 Aesthetics Festival
Dear parents and carers,
On Thursday 5th December, year 2 will be attending a Key Stage One Aesthetics Festival at the Alive Sports Centre, Exeter Road.
They will get to take part in numerous small activities including dance, gymnastics and yoga.
The intent for this event is for the children to take part in a rotation of activities (skills and coached games) that enables them to:
- Develop fundamental skills
- Build confidence to engage in physical activity and try new sports
- Learn to play with others
The festival will take place during school time: we will leave school at approximately 9.40am and travel by minibus to the sports centre. We will return to school at approximately 11.50am.
The children will be able to have their normal lunch choice at school on their return.
The children should come into school wearing their PE kits and have a drink and a snack that they can take with them to the festival.
Kind regards,
Sarah Dudley