Dear Parents and Carers.
On Thursday 13th February, we have organised a trip for years 1 and 2 to Paignton Zoo as part of their topic Paws, Claws and Tails. Whilst there, we will take part in a mini-workshop about animal classification and will explore the zoo itself.
We will leave school around 9.15am and travel by coach and will return to school by 3pm.
The children will need to wear their full school uniforms and will need to bring a packed lunch in a backpack to have whilst we are there. If you would like to order a school packed lunch, please indicate this below.
The cost of the trip is £12 which is an amount that has been partially subsidised by the school. Please visit School Money to make the payment before Friday 7th February 2025.
Please complete the permission slip link below.
Kind regards,
Sarah Dudley and the KS1 team