Dear Parents and Carers,
I am very pleased and proud to say that Mrs Sandercock will be taking up a position as Head of School in January at one of our Trust schools in Kenton. This will be a secondment for 2 terms. In her absence, we have appointed a new nursery teacher, Helen Neal, who will be starting in January. The children and staff met her yesterday and she will be coming in later in the week for a handover with the nursery team. Mrs Emery will be picking up the leadership of Early Years for this interim period as well as Key Stage 1, so please see her in the first instance for any issues in this area.
We have received some funding from Devon County Council to provide some basic food hampers to parents who are in receipt or benefit-led free school meals. The produce from this is fresh and provided from Dart Fresh who currently provide the produce for our new school dinners. You will be e-mailed directly with information of how to collect your hamper.
The Santa Run organised by PACA is taking place on Thursday during the school day. Please bring sponsorship forms and money back to the School Office where it will be quarantined. You can also transfer any sponsorship money electronically to PACA bank account:
TCS parent and community association 30-90-89 account number 69677760. Please send these forms back into the school office with a note saying you have paid electronically so we can track which class has raised the most money, as they will receive a prize.
A reminder of the activities for the rest of the week:
May I take this opportunity for those of you that I won’t see to wish you a happy, safe and healthy Christmas break.
Yours sincerely,
Annabelle Thomas