At Teignmouth Primary School, we believe in the importance of mathematics for our children’s achievement in later life. We seek to develop an enthusiasm and deep understanding of the subject so that children become lifelong mathematicians. Our behaviours for learning- resilience, independence and curiosity- support children in becoming focused and confident mathematicians.
Mathematics is taught at the school using key principles of Teaching for Mastery, and focuses on three main aims:
- varied fluency
- reasoning
- problem solving
To further support this, the school utilises the schemes of learning from the White Rose Hub. This helps to provide pupils with a well-sequenced mathematics curriculum, as well as access to a range of problems, reasoning and clear mathematical images. Indeed, our Calculation Policy is based on White Rose Hub to ensure children have a clear progress through the curriculum. The scheme is tailored to our children’s individual needs, and staff regularly assess to ensure that they are constantly building on what pupils know and remember.
We believe in children gaining a strong understanding of fluency and arithmetic. For this reason, arithmetic is built into daily mathematics lessons to develop children’s confidence in this area. To further develop numerical skills, pupils engage in ‘Numbots’ in EYFS and KS1, and Times Tables Rockstars at KS2 to develop key number facts.
In addition to this, we seek to develop a deep understanding of number through ensuring children through using a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. Pupils also recap on key mathematical knowledge through the use of the White Rose Hub’s ‘Flashback Four’.
Pupils enjoy their mathematics at Teignmouth Primary School, and we continually see improving results year on year due to the rich teaching and learning in the subject.