DT progression document
At Teignmouth Primary School, we aim for pupils to be inquisitive problem solvers who can adapt and apply their prior knowledge in an ever-changing world. Children will follow a process of design, make and evaluate to produce products that meet a given criteria. Children will create unique products by applying and combining learning from across the curriculum. They will construct products to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Children will adapt and improve their work and this will aid the children to become more resilient within themselves and be reflective of the wider world.
Pupils will have the confidence to take risks when tackling new challenges and be curious and creative to solve simple, manufactured/encountered problems practically. They will know and identify similarities and differences in a range of materials. They will know that different technology and tools are used to make different products and can select these appropriately for a given task. Children will begin to use simple equipment safely and effectively to effect changes to materials.
Pupils will have the confidence to take greater risks when tackling new challenges and be curious and creative to solve manufactured/encountered problems practically to help the local community. Children will follow a process of ‘design, make and evaluate’ to create purposeful products. They will be introduced to subject-specific vocabulary to articulate their proposed design and be shown the technology and techniques to carry this out. Children will use their knowledge and judgement to choose appropriate methods and materials and use these safely to meet a given criteria. Pupils will be consistently reflective to enable them to adapt and improve their work to ensure it is of good quality.
Pupils will become confident risk-takers when tackling new challenges and be curious and creative to solve problems practically to satisfy evolving human needs, which will shape our world. Children will take personal responsibility for the process of designing, making and evaluating purposeful products using their cross-curricular knowledge. They will build on prior learning and be familiar with subject-specific vocabulary to articulate their proposed design and use appropriate technology to research the problem and techniques to carry this out. Children will use their knowledge and judgement to choose appropriate methods and materials from a wider range of options and use these safely to meet their self-initiated criteria. Pupils will be consistently reflective to enable them to adapt and improve their work to ensure it is of good quality and is functional for the purpose.
Bread rolls designed and made by year 5/6
Mechanical systems: pulleys in year 5/6