Welcome to Pine Class
Year group: One
Teachers: Mrs Dudley (Monday – Tuesday) Miss Gobel (Wednesday – Friday)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Corbett
Reading: The children’s reading books will be changed every Monday morning so please ensure their book bags are in school. They will have three books for the week: a Read Write Inc book they have previously read in school to help them build fluency, a coloured book-band book with sounds they have been taught and a library book to share with you. Please read with your child everyday and record it in their reading diaries.
Home Learning: Along with their reading, the children will be set a home learning menu of activities every half term which will be uploaded on their Seesaw journal page. Together, you can choose an option from the menu to complete and then upload the project to their page by the date given so we can celebrate this in class.
P.E.: They will have their P.E. lesson on a Friday. They should wear their P.E. kits into school on that day.
Outdoor Learning: Their Outdoor Learning lesson will be on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure they bring their kits in to school ready to change into.
Our Learning: This year, we are on map B. Check out the curriculum overview below to see the exciting topics we will be covering this year.
Useful Resources:
- https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/parents/ – RWI phonics videos for parents.
- Numbots
- CommonExceptionWords_Y1
- Curriculum Map A Year 1 and 2
- Curriculum Map B Year 1 and 2