Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing to let you know the details for the children’s jubilee day which we are holding on Friday 27th May. As previously mentioned, we are inviting children to come into school dressed in red, white or blue for the day or as a monarch.
There will be various activities planned through the morning, such as a whole school piece of jubilee art work, jubilee themed assemblies and activities in classes.
At lunchtime, we will be having a whole school jubilee party on the field where we invite children to bring a packed lunch (or they can order a school packed lunch by clicking this link by Friday 20th May). We will be having jubilee themed music, dancing and games. As part of the festivities, we will also be treating the children to strawberries and ice-cream. Pupils with allergies known to us will be catered for, but please let the office know if there are any children that cannot have this and we will look for an alternative.
If any parents have a picnic blanket they are happy to lend to the class for the day, please let the class teacher know and bring it on the day.
We hope this will be a fun whole school activity to start the jubilee celebrations off for half term!
Kind regards,
Annabelle Thomas