Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you are all keeping safe and well.
This is a reminder that we have a Review Day booked in on Friday 10th July. This will not be able to happen as it usually does during Covid-19 as we cannot have parents on site. We will be sending home a shortened report to you from your child’s class teacher in the next few weeks which covers what learning they have covered on Seesaw. We cannot report on progress, attainment, attendance or personalised comments as I’m sure you will appreciate, but you will have received more detail in the previous two reports from earlier in the year.
As we cannot invite you into school during this time for your usual review day, if you would like to have a telephone conversation with your child’s usual class teacher, please e-mail Mr Webber our School Manager via to arrange one on this day during a morning slot. Mr Webber will let you know the time of the appointment and the class teacher will phone you. Please keep in mind that staff have not been ‘teaching’ your children in their typical manner and so it will only be for you to ask any questions that you may have. The deadline for requesting a telephone appointment is Monday 29th of June.
As this is a review day, the school will remain closed to pupils on this day, however we will open in the morning to key worker children if a place is required. Please also e-mail Mr Webber if you require a place on this morning.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support over the past few challenging months.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Annabelle Thomas
Head of School