Dear parents and carers,
I have phoned PHE for some further advice this morning to check we are doing all that we can as we now have a high number of cases across the school, following the Christmas holidays.
I have explained what we have in place and they have said we are doing a brilliant job. They are going to send us a cohort letter for Y3/4 class as this has a high number of cases in it. This will ask them to LFD daily which will mean cases will then rise in the class and then fall.
He said schools are to continue to stay open and provide an education for pupils. As it stands we are managing to cover staffing.
Our risk assessment continues to be followed and we are continuing as we have for some time in bubbles, no large gatherings, virtual assemblies and staff meetings and only essential visitors on site.
Any concerns, please contact the school.
Kind regards,
Annabelle Thomas