Dear parent/carer,
This year, British Science Week falls between the 14th and 18th March. Here in school, we have a range of activities planned to help our children engage with science, learn more about the world and see that science is everywhere!
The theme for Science Week this year is ‘Growth’.
On Monday 14th, we will be having some visitors from the Exeter Road school, who will be helping the children to set up experiments in their classrooms. These will be revisited over the week by the class teacher.
On Wednesday 16th, we will be having a dress-up day. Children can choose to dress as a scientist or to get creative with costumes based on ‘growth’- the theme for the week. They could dress as a flower, or a tree, a glacier or anything else you can dream up! We will have badges and safety glasses for children to make and wear if they don’t have access to a costume.
Also on the 16th, we will be having a visitor from ‘Fun Science’ (a specialist science education group), who will be running interactive workshops for each class from Reception up to Year 5/6. These will take place in class or in the hall and will last about an hour. These workshops will link with the ‘growth’ theme and will be exciting, educational, interactive and fun.
Class teachers will also be running science activities in class during the week.
There is no charge for any of the activities.
Many thanks,
Mr J Ball
Head of Science