This year the school would like to take part in the community event:
Teignmouth Carnival Parade which is on Thursday 28th July.
We will be holding a Carnival Club on Thursdays for 4 weeks, starting on Thursday 30th June. 3.00 till 4.30 in the Early Years building. During the club time we will be making and preparing items/costumes for the parade dependent on the focus.
The club is for years 4 and 5 and spaces are limited to 15 children.
We would like as many of those who attend the club to participate in the parade on the evening of Thursday 28th July. Parents will be required to remain with their child during the parade and will have responsibility for them. (Times of the parade will be sent out asap. We are not going to be entering for the judging as this takes place hours before. More details to follow nearer the date).
Please could you complete the permission form link below and make a choice to vote for the focus for the parade by Tuesday 28th June.
Kind regards
Mrs Elver and Miss Manning