Dear parents and carers,
This half term, our topic is ‘Predator!’ To finish this topic, we have organised for Chris Johnson of Southwest Animal Services to come to school with a range of animals for the children to see, handle and learn about. This will allow the children to find out more about the areas of science they have been learning about in the context of some real-life predators.
He will be visiting on Thursday 21st October 2021 and spend quality time with the class sharing some of his amazing creatures. Whilst the school are subsidising some of the cost, we would ask for a contribution of £4 per child to help cover the rest. This can be paid on SchoolMoney.
If your child has any allergies to animals that we will need to know about, please inform their class teacher so appropriate plans can be put in place.
We look forward to this exciting opportunity.
Kind regards,
Mrs Dudley, Mr Paine and Miss Sowden