Covid-19 guidance December 2021 | RA100 V2.9 |
If you would like support for confirmed cases of COVID-19 call the DfE Coronavirus helpline on 0800 046 8687, they will work with you to assess the risk and advice what actions to take. If necessary, the DfE helpline will escalate to the PHE SW Health Protection Team for further risk assessment. Please only call the PHE SW Health Protection Team if the DfE helpline advises you to do so. For further detail please see the latest PHE SW Health Protection Team ‘Guidance for Childcare and Educational Settings in the Management of COVID-19’ flowchart v.15 dated 25.08.21(copy available from NHS England and NHS Improvement South West website). Please do report confirmed cases to Devon County Council using this smart survey link. If you think that you may need to close your setting you should also email the school priority alert mailbox
This risk assessment is also supported by our Outbreak Management Plan.
What’s the threshold for taking extra action and referring to the outbreak management plan?
For most settings it will make sense to think about taking some extra action if one of these thresholds is reached:
- 5 children, pupils or staff, who are likely to have mixed closely, test positive for COVID-19 within a 10-day period
- 10% of children, pupils or staff who are likely to have mixed closely test positive for COVID-19 within a 10-day period
Establishment/Department: Teignmouth Community School, Mill Lane
Establishment Risk Assessment | RA100 V2.9 |
Address: Mill Lane, Teignmouth, Devon, TQ14 9BB
Person(s)/Group at Risk
Staff, Pupils, Visitors and Contractors
This risk assessment explains the actions school leaders should take to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in their school Stage 4 Road Map September 2021. This includes public health advice, endorsed by Public Health England (PHE).
Date assessment completed:
6.12.2021 |
Annabelle Thomas |
Significant Hazard Section
Control measures in place
Additional measures or actions not included in this column below should be put in the assessor’s recommendations at the end of this document |
Optional: School’s comments re. mitigations put in place
Keep occupied spaces well ventilated | ||
Poorly ventilated spaces leading to risks of coronavirus spreading
Ventilation to reduce transmission
Health and Safety Executive guidance on air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak and CIBSE COVID-19 advice provides more information. DfE is working with the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and NHS England on a pilot project to measure CO2 levels in classrooms and exploring options to help improve ventilation in settings where needed.
A robust risk assessment process should include the following:
It is advisable to use a thermometer to monitor temperatures where opening windows and doors is being used as a mechanism to aid ventilation. For more information on suitable workplace temperatures see HSE: Guidance on temperature in the workplace |
AT/AW/All staff |
Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes | ||
You should put in place and maintain an appropriate cleaning schedule.
Thorough cleaning of rooms at the end of the day. This should include regular cleaning of areas and equipment (for example, twice per day), with a particular focus on frequently touched surfaces. PHE has published guidance on the cleaning of non-healthcare settings |
AW |
Ensure good hygiene for everyone | ||
Hand & Respiratory hygiene
Respiratory hygiene The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach continues to be very important. The e-Bug COVID-19 website contains free resources for you, including materials to encourage good hand and respiratory hygiene. N.B. please note that face covering guidance has changed due to Devon becoming an ‘Enhanced Response Area’, the following points describe the situation outside of ERA status.
There are good hygiene measures that can be used in:
DCC Health and Safety Arrangements: – Infection Control HS26
AT/All staff |
Conditions for use of fluid resistant face mask and other equipment when dealing with a symptomatic child are clear and understood by staff. | If a child, young person or other learner becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in their setting and needs direct personal care until they can return home a face mask should be worn by the supervising adult if a distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained.
If contact with the child or young person is necessary, then gloves, an apron and a face mask should be worn by the supervising adult. If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn Ensuring that fluid resistant face masks are available for all schools and that a supply is maintained. |
AT/TAs |
Staff use of PPE
Pupils whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs will continue to receive their care in the same way. Follow guidance | KAP/AB/Nursery and reception staff |
Staff are to continue to wear masks in communal areas due to being in an enhanced response area | AT/All staff | |
Staff related issues | ||
Accessing testing arrangements for all staff | Guidance on the new asymptomatic testing programmes taking place in schools are on a shared document platform hosted by DfE, including FAQ, webinars and step-by-step ‘how to guides.
For primary schools – Primary Schools Document Sharing Platform – Google Drive. |
Symptoms | Deliver strong messaging about signs and symptoms of Covid-19, isolation advice and testing to support prompt isolation of suspected cases | AT |
Vaccination | Encourage vaccination uptake for staff
AT |
Dealing with confirmed case/ cases and outbreak. | Case (possible vs confirmed case)
Possible: anyone with either a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste (and awaiting a test) Confirmed: PCR or LFD test positive case of COVID-19 with or without symptoms. |
AT/All staff |
Close Contact requirements | Individuals identified as close contacts are not required to self-isolate if any of the following apply:
Close contacts who are not required to isolate will be advised to:
AT/All staff |
Staff rooms |
AT/All staff |
Cases -staff | For all cases relating to staff, please also see the guidance for workplaces: For cases in staff, settings should call the Self-Isolation Service Hub on 020 3743 6715 as soon as they are aware. Employers will need to provide the 8-digit NHS Test and Trace account ID of the person who tested positive, alongside the names of co-workers identified as close contacts to ensure they are registered with NHS Test and Trace and receive the necessary public health advice.
AT/All staff |
Cases- pupils | Children who are unwell should not attend the setting and should remain at home until their acute symptoms resolve (+24 hours for a fever).
Parents and settings should not try and ‘second guess’ diagnosis – if have the key symptoms, isolate and test.
Examples of acute symptoms with which children should not attend school/nursery include fever, muscle aches, hacking cough. Follow public health advice on managing confirmed cases of COVID-19 see Schools COVID-19 operational guidance – GOV.UK (
Escalation criteria: If you have any infection control concerns or questions call the DfE Coronavirus helpline on 0800 046 8687 for advice. If your setting meets the following thresholds for extra action (outlined in the Contingency Framework), the DfE helpline will escalate to the SW PHE Health Protection Team when a risk assessment is required. DCC Public Health Team can also assist.
Case Thresholds
For most education and childcare settings:
AT |
Contingency framework and outbreak control measures | Schools are required to update their contingency plan (or outbreak management plan) and describe how they will respond if children, pupils, or staff test positive for COVID-19, how they will operate if they are advised to reintroduce any measures to help break chains of transmission. Such measures should be considered in addition to the day-to-day control measures being implemented by schools, PHE SW Health Protection Team have defined 4 levels:
Baseline measures which settings should have in place at all times:
Additional outbreak control measures – If the threshold for extra action (set out in the Contingency Framework) is met, additional outbreak measures may be considered that are appropriate and proportionate to your school. These can be implemented by the school without additional support/approval:
Enhanced or Exceptional outbreak control measures – can be recommended following an Incident Management Team (IMT) or Outbreak Control Team meeting (OCT) and risk assessment undertaken with the Local Authority (or Health Protection Team (HPT)*.
Note: additional measures may also be advised by a Director of Public Health across an entire area if an Enhanced Response Package (ERA) is in place (your LA will communicate this to you)
Contingency framework: education and childcare settings Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak
No visitors on site during outbreak management plan
No shared food that has been brought from home for staff or pupils
Christmas cards to be quarantined before giving out |
Pupil /staff related issues | ||
Vulnerable groups who are clinically, extremely vulnerable.
All CEV children and young people should attend their education setting unless they are one of the very small number of children and young people under paediatric or other specialist care who have been advised by their GP or clinician not to attend. Further information is available in the guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.
Whilst attendance is mandatory, we recommend that leaders in education work collaboratively with families to reassure them and to help their child return to their everyday activities. Discussions should have a collaborative approach, focusing on the welfare of the child or young person and responding to the concerns of the parent, carer or young person
Large groups coming together | Assemblies will commence online to avoid overcrowding.
Staff Christmas party cancelled to avoid large groups coming together |
AT |
School day | School reverted back to 8.45am-3pm for all. Two entrances in place (Y1-6 through main gate and Nursery/reception through side gate) and parents encouraged not to congregate outside of the school and to drop off on their own. | AT |
School day | See above detail for lunches and breaks | AT/AW |
Assessment of all staff, including high risk staff with vulnerable / shielding family member, underlying health conditions or other risk factors
A risk assessment should be undertaken with clinically extremely vulnerable and clinically vulnerable. A risk assessment should also be undertaken (or reviewed/updated if one was previously undertaken) with staff who may be anxious about returning to school and/or due to the increased numbers. The ‘Risk assessment for all staff including vulnerable groups’ can be used to aid and record this assessment – | AT/AW |
Using and monitoring new practices to reduce risk of Covid-19 transmission | Training of all staff via briefing prior to start – to include contents of this RA, outbreak management plan. QA by LGB and Trust. New risk assessments sent out to staff and LGB when updated and added to website. Yellow highlighted shows new updates. Staff to read and then sign to say they have read updates. Signed copies to kept in office. | AT |
Pregnant staff | Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for pregnant employees – GOV.UK (
– should have a risk assessment in place: Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy ( can support risk assessment. – a more precautionary approach advised for those >28 weeks pregnant or for individuals with underlying health conditions that place them at greater risk.
AT |
Transport | ||
Transport to/from school |
It is still recommended that face coverings are worn by all passengers, unless exempt ( guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-forpassengers#face-coverings)
Parents | Parents may wear masks on pick up and drop off. Parents to drop pupils to their classroom door on drop off and pick up but are not able to come into the school building unless for a pre-arranged appointment. AT to communicate with parents
Christmas productions all moved to online and recorded with password protection |
AT/All staff |
Curriculum considerations
Educational visits | You should undertake full and thorough risk assessments in relation to all educational visits and ensure that any public health advice, such as hygiene and ventilation requirements, is included as part of that risk assessment. General guidance about educational visits is available and is supported by specialist advice from the Outdoor Education Advisory Panel (OEAP).
No inside educational visits to take place during outbreak management plan |
AT/JB/Teachers |
Resources | ||
DfE daily email- DfE – COVID daily email subscription service (
Posters and promotional material – NHS resources and videos
Other resources and videos
AW | |
Oversight of the governing body | ||
Lack of governor oversight during the COVID-19 crisis leads to the school failing to meet statutory requirements | The governing body has started to meet in person in a large space with everyone LFD testing before arrival. The governing body agendas are structured to ensure all statutory requirements are discussed and school leaders are held to account for their implementation.
Regular dialogue with the Chair of Governors and those governors with designated responsibilities is in place. Minutes of governing body meetings are reviewed to ensure that they accurately record governors’ oversight and holding leaders to account for areas of statutory responsibility. |
Monitoring | Termly RA monitoring visits to review implementation | AT/LGB |
Section | List Actions / Additional Control Measures | Date action to be carried out | Person Responsible |
Signed: Headteacher/Head of Department: Date
The outcome of this assessment should be shared with the relevant staff and Governing Body.
A copy of the completed assessment to be kept on file and copied to the Health & Safety Co-ordinator.