Dear parents and carers,
I have sent out a number of letters over the last few days regarding our increase in covid cases. If there has been a case in your child’s class, you will have been notified. We cannot give out personal information on cases but NHS track and trace will notify you if needed. We now have 11 cases across the school. For the last 2 weeks we have moved to bubbles to contain the spread that was originally in KS2, but due to siblings and outside transmission this has now spread across the school.
I have spoken at length with PHE today and we are doing everything we can to reduce transmission. We are in bubbles, KS2 are eating their lunch in classes, playtimes are in zones, increased ventilation and handwashing, CO2 monitors in classrooms, no assemblies in person or staff meetings, masks for adults in communal areas, no parents inside the building and no unnecessary visitors. Staff are being encouraged to test daily via LFD.
To support the school further, please could I ask that where you can, families LFD children before sending them to school if they are feeling unwell. If an LFD is positive, please then complete a PCR test. Do not send your child to school if they have any covid symptoms. If they have been a close contact of someone who is positive, please complete a PCR test. We will not be able to have any cakes in school during this next period.
In terms of Christmas productions and events, I will make a decision by Wednesday 1st December as to whether these can go ahead in person or will be pre-recorded. As much as we know that watching your child’s production and your child performing to you is so important, safety has to come first.
I hope that the measures we have taken reassure you that the children’s safety is of the upmost priority.
Kind regards,
Annabelle Thomas