Dear Parents,
Where the School Aged Immunisation Team would normally aim to complete the flu vaccine offer in schools by the end of December, this year there has been significant additional work to deliver to support the Covid 12 -15 vaccines and all year group flu vaccines programme. In view of this, the flu delivery schedule has been extended to February, although we will aim to complete all sessions by the end January where at all possible. Children in Reception to Year 6 will be offered the flu vaccine on Tuesday 11th of January 2022. Consent forms will be sent home nearer the time.
Advice from Joint Committee for vaccinations and immunisations (JCVI) recommend, whilst flu often starts to circulate from late December the peak can occur at any time and can often occur in February or later. Immunising children in January will still provide protection in these circumstances and is therefore beneficial.
We apologise that this is later in the season than we would normally like to deliver and we thank you for your ongoing understanding at this time.
Best wishes
School Aged Immunisation Team
Virgin Care Services Limited