Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our ‘On the move’ topic this half term, we will be taking the children on a short train ride. This trip will take place on Wednesday 21st February 2024.
We will be travelling by minibus to Teignmouth train station, catching the 9:40am train to Dawlish Warren, where we will walk to the beach to take part in some litter picking, shell collecting and fun on the beach. We will then catch the 11:48am train back to school in time for lunch.
Children will need to wear school uniform and their wellies, and have a coat, hat and gloves as it is likely to be cold.
The cost of the trip will be £2, which will help to cover the cost of the train fare.
Please let us know if you give permission for us to take your child by clicking on the link below.
Many thanks,
Mrs Emery and Mrs Wilde