Dear Parents and Carers,
I am excited to write to let you know that as of the 1st September, I will be going on maternity leave to have my second child. There is an internal plan in place to cover my absence for the academic year, and I believe that as a result this will be as seamless a handover as possible. Mr Marchant will be stepping up as Acting Headteacher and Mrs Dudley will be covering as Deputy Headteacher. I aim to return for early promotion on the 17th July 2023, where Mr Marchant’s and Mrs Dudley’s roles will revert back to their previous ones.
Mrs Pritchard will also be leaving to go on maternity leave in July. Miss Gobel will be covering the role of SENDCO in her absence and again will be working alongside Mrs Pritchard in the summer term to make the handover as smooth as possible. Miss Gobel will be your point of contact for all SEN matters from September.
We work together very closely as a Senior Leadership Team, and I will be working with them all through the summer term to ensure that everything is in place for a successful academic year next year. I will be sad to leave but I know that the school will be in good hands for the time that I am away.
After Easter we should see a return to some warmer weather. Over the last few months we have been more lenient on uniform due to the pandemic. However, after Easter I would like to see a return for all pupils to be back in the correct uniform. Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated but this will mean that the TCS hoodies that were given to KS2 pupils will no longer be needed to be worn in class. Below is a reminder of the uniform that is required for after Easter. As always, if anyone has any financial difficulty providing uniform, please contact me by letter or e-mail.
What is our uniform?
- Plain white formal school shirt, long or short sleeved to be worn tucked in
- TCS tie-the knot must cover the top button that is fastened
- Black V-neck jumper/cardigan with school logo*.
- Plain black full length tailored trousers (not clinging or made from stretch fabric; jeans, leggings and chinos are not appropriate school wear); or a plain, black skirt or plain, black shorts.
- Plain black or dark belt if required. Designer logos are not permitted
- Black tights can be worn with skirts. Socks must not be worn over tights; black socks may be worn beneath tights but should not be visible.
- Plain black school shoes of sensible design (trainers, plimsolls and other varieties of canvas shoes are not deemed to be safe or appropriate footwear). All shoes must have a flat sole. Boots are acceptable if they are plain black and worn inside trousers. Boots must not be worn with skirts.
- Plain warm waterproof coat (no hoodies or casual jackets such as leather or denim).
- Scarfs, hats and gloves may be worn outdoors in colder months
- Optional summer dress-sky blue and white with white socks
- House colour logo t-shirt available from Trutex-if you are unsure of your child’s house colour, please contact the office
- Black shorts (not lycra)
- Sports trainers or plimsoles for indoor use only: trainers must have non-marking soles, be clean and solely used for indoor use. Dance and gym lessons require bare feet (a specialist sock should be worn in cases of medical concerns).
- Black full length tracksuit bottoms may be worn as an alternative to shorts for some activities
- Football boots for outdoor use
We look forward to welcoming you on Friday for our first review day in person for quite some time. This is a non-pupil day but they are welcome to join you for your appointment. Reports will have been e-mailed to you so if you have not received this, please contact the school office. Refreshments will be available from the hall. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment so that you can look through your child’s books and celebrate their achievements with them.
We look forward to seeing you Friday.
Kind regards,
Annabelle Thomas