On Thursday 5th December, we invited parents into school for a reading workshop. We shared how we teach guided reading from years 2-6, the whole-class guided reading model. Parents were then invited into class to work alongside their child/children to see reading in action.
A great morning was had by all and this some of the feedback received:
Today’s workshop enabled me to understand more about how reading is developed with my child at school.
- 86% strongly agreed.
- 16% agreed.
Today’s workshop has given me some input on how I can further support my child at home with their reading.
- 81% strongly agreed.
- 16% agreed.
- 3% somewhat agree.
Being able to see my child’s teacher deliver a related session in class was important and beneficial to me.
- 80% strongly agreed.
- 20% agreed.
I would like more opportunities such as today to learn about how to support my child and see my child learning in school.
- 84% strongly agreed.
- 13% agreed
- 3% somewhat agree.
What Went Well Quotes:
- You’re doing a great job – my child really enjoys reading.
- Really nice to see children interacting in class and the different learning techniques used.
- Such a valuable session. Lovely to see and understand how the children are taught and how we can help at home.
- Very enlightening on how the teachers encourage the children. I loved the topic.
- I really enjoyed being able to be involved and see what my child does at school.
- It was very interesting to see how my child is learning and has given me a few ideas on how to encourage and help her reading.
You can find out more about how we teach literacy, along with useful resources here