Dear parent/carer,
As a grand finale to our Coastline topic, we are planning a morning trip to Shaldon beach. This will take place this week on Thursday 9th June.
We are extremely lucky to have the beach on our doorstep and we are lucky enough to have access to minibuses this week, this means that there will be no cost for the trip. If you are available to help on the day we would very much appreciate it, please let us know on the slip below. We appreciate that it is short notice.
We will be leaving at 9:00am so children need to be at school prompt for 8:45am and will be back in time for lunch, so there will be no effect on drop-off or collection times.
Children will need to wear school uniform, a sun hat and a coat suitable for the weather on the day. They will also need to have suncream that they can apply themselves or come to school with it on. If the weather conditions are poor, we may have to postpone this trip.
We will be back in time for lunch but we will have a picnic in the garden so they will need a packed lunch and a drink. If you would like a school packed lunch for your child please let us know on the slip below.
Please complete the attached permission slip below so that we have permission to take your child. If you have changed any of your contact details, please let the school office know.
Many thanks,
Mrs Emery, Mrs Fleming and Miss Langdown