Test and Trace support payment – Now available for parents of children asked to isolate by education settings
Parents and carers of children who have been advised to self-isolate by their education setting or by NHS Test and Trace are now able to apply for a Test and Trace Support Payment or discretionary payment of £500, if they meet the eligibility criteria. The extension of the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme, which is administered by district and unitary local authorities in England, ensures that parents receive the financial support they need if they are unable to attend work due to childcare responsibilities. This in turn supports adherence to self-isolation and prevents the spread of Covid-19.
The attached link above gives full details of eligibility criteria, how parents can access the fund and also links to template letters for all close contacts. Template letters have been updated to include details of the support payments and the letter is needed as evidence of the need to self-isolate if claiming the payment.