Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a very busy but special week last week as we welcomed all of our pupils back together at TCS, Mill Lane. We have enjoyed seeing their smiles and enthusiasm and hearing their voices around school. We look forward to the rest of the school year with the whole community back together.
Thank you to all of you for supporting pupils in their return to school. Please see a reminder of the times below for pick up and drop off. We have some people dropping off earlier and picking up earlier who have no siblings. Please stick to the times below unless you have multiple children to collect, otherwise the children are missing out on learning.
We will be offering a virtual review day appointment again on Thursday 1st April and this will be a non-pupil day. Links have been sent out and we already have over 50% of appointments booked in so thank you for your promptness. If you have not already booked yours in, please do so soon. If we do not have your current e-mail address, please contact the school office. For those pupils that have been in school attending, teachers will be able to give more detail on their knowledge gained and an assessment on their progress. For those who have not attended, this will be a more general approach based on their learning set and what they have seen on seesaw. This will be reflected in their report which you will receive electronically a few days before your appointment.
On Friday 15th March, we will be supporting Red Nose Day. The children are invited to dress up as a superhero. Can I please ask that for Covid safety, we do not bring in any props with their costumes. With this in mind, I am afraid that we will not be able to have red noses in school as they are so easily put down and picked up by other children! If your child is unable to dress up, we will be able to support them in school with making superhero masks. Please support this great cause by donating to Red Nose Day via our Just Giving page:
It has been several of the pupil’s birthday’s recently. Can we kindly ask that if you wish to bring in any cakes etc, that these are brought in 72 hours before they need giving out as we have to quarantine these before giving them out. Ideally these need to be shop bought and pre-packaged for Covid safety expectations.
If your child displays any of the below symptoms, they must not come to school and must phone us immediately to report:-
• A high temperature
• A new continuous cough
• A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.
We will advise you to get a test and there will be a period of isolation. Please note, that this is not our decision, but Government guidance.
I detailed in my previous letter that we would be able to be flexible with school uniform on pupils return to school in line with DfE guidelines. Please could I ask that when sending pupils in alternative clothes due to them not fitting anymore, that these are as close to the uniform guidelines as possible. After Easter, I would like all pupils back in their correct uniform to set the high expectations of the school and readiness for learning. The uniform policy has just been updated with a few minor tweaks and will appear on the website by the end of the week for anyone unsure of the uniform.
We hope that all of our families continue to stay safe. If you wish to contact me to discuss any of this further, please do so via e-mail on
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Annabelle Thomas
Head of School