Dear parent/carer,
I am writing to let you know that, unfortunately, the planned Year 6 residential will not be able to go ahead.
This is obviously due to the Coronavirus pandemic; children need to remain in their bubbles and working with outside providers is currently not permitted. The residential centre itself is, of course, also unable to accept visitors for the same reasons – the government advice is that no overnight visits should happen in the autumn term.
We are currently in the process of reclaiming the money we have already paid to the centre. Any payments that you have made to school will be refunded to you as soon as possible. We will be in touch about how and when this will happen very soon.
We are very sorry to have to cancel the trip; we believe that residential experiences are extremely beneficial to children and have put a lot of work into organising this one.
If the situation changes we will do our very best to offer some form of residential experience later in the year. What form this will take will of course depend on government guidelines and availability of spaces; rest assured we will do our best to make up for the disappointment of the cancellation of the planned trip. We will let you know about any plans when they become permissible within the guidelines from the government.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office.
Many thanks,
Jonathan Ball
Head of Outdoor Learning.