Roald Dahl Day
Our school was over-run by Matildas, BFG’s, Wonkas, Fantastic Mr Foxes, Oompa Loompas and so many other wonderful characters! We had a phizz-whizzing, swashboggling day in aid of Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.
Our school was over-run by Matildas, BFG’s, Wonkas, Fantastic Mr Foxes, Oompa Loompas and so many other wonderful characters! We had a phizz-whizzing, swashboggling day in aid of Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.
Year 5 and 6 made ceramic poppies to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. They then took their poppies to Teignmouth Cemetery and laid them on the Commonwealth War Graves as an act of remembrance of those Teignmouth service personnel who lost their lives during both World Wars. This was particularly poignant for two of…
Today, we were visited by two local RNLI lifeguards who led an assembly for all our key stage 2 children all about staying safe at the beach. They explained what the different flags that are displayed at the beach mean, what rip currents are and what to do if you get caught in one, how…
Did you know that Henry VIII had a pulley to help him get out of bed? In DT this half term, year 5 and 6 have been learning about mechanical systems and in particular, pulleys. They have investigated how they work and have looked at real-life objects that use pulleys. They then created a machine…
For NSPCC Number Day, Key Stage 2 dressed up as rock stars and took part in a times tables rock battle against all the other Ivy Education Trust primary schools on Times Tables Rock Stars. Each class experienced some fun maths activities to celebrate maths and numbers whilst raising money for the NSPCC.
School was once again filled with a huge variety of book characters to celebrate World Book Day 2023. We enjoyed a Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), a Book in a Jar competition, dress up and all the children looked at some of the poetry of Joseph Coelho and responded to it in their own ways.
On Monday 12th December, we held our Christmas concert with all the children in years 3 to 6 at the Pavilions in Teignmouth. The children sang, read poems and played instruments. It was a truly magical performance which started our festivities leading up to Christmas beautifully. Well done Key Stage 2!
Year 5 showed resilience when learning to tie figure-of eight knots and clove hitches in Outdoor Learning.
For science, year 5 children exercised at different intensities to find out how it would affect their heart rates. They measured each other’s pulses, ready to plot as data in their next session.