Miss Sowden’s class making pancakes
Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed pancakes and spring sunshine in outdoor learning. The pancakes were delicious with either honey and lemon or jam and it was lovely to feel spring finally coming.
Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed pancakes and spring sunshine in outdoor learning. The pancakes were delicious with either honey and lemon or jam and it was lovely to feel spring finally coming.
This week, we have been finishing off our DT. We have been making catapults using wood, card, foam, straws, PVA glue and tack pins. (Miss Sowden may also have helped us a little with a glue gun!) We had to measure the wood accurately, cut each piece carefully and then construct our catapults. We used…
On Friday, it was Number Day. Thank you to anyone who donated some money towards the NSPCC. Each class had the chance to visit the big numbers in our corridor and write on them why a number was important or special to them. For example, they may choose ‘2’ and say that 2 is the…
This week, we have started our unit of ‘length’. We have used this opportunity to do some practical tasks using a range of measuring equipment. We have looked at which equipment is most effective for longer or shorter distances and used both the classroom and outside spaces to practise our skills.
On Thursday 30th January, Miss Sowden’s classroom was invaded by an army of Romans! They had a lovely day making shields, designing mosaics and creating some great pictures using a green screen app. They also had the chance to learn a little Latin and look at Roman numerals, before making a clock! The day ended…
Year 3 enjoyed exploring the woods on a cold winter’s day. We found some signs that spring is coming though – bluebell shoots, daffodil shoots and hazel catkins.
On Wednesday, Miss Sowden’s class went to a special outdoor classroom for a session all about the brain. We met Harold the giraffe and had to learn all about the brain, what it does and how it helps us. This helped us to be able to help out Harold who had a problem with one…
Over the last two weeks, we have been working with money in Miss Sowden’s class. We have found different ways of making the same amount of money, and worked out what the most and least amount of coins are needed. We are problem solving this week, thinking about giving change and adding and subtracting amounts…
On Tuesday last week, Miss Sowden’s class had their Quest Day for this half term. The children wanted to make pizzas, learn some Italian, do some art, make an Italian landmark and continue some research all about Italy. We began by making our pizzas and taking them down to outdoor learning to cook and eat….
During outdoor learning, Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed hot chocolate and marshmallows on a sunny but cold December morning. How lovely!