Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our spring topics ‘Saxon Settlers’ and ‘Predator’, we would like to take Mr Paine and Miss Parnowski’s classes to Wildwood, at Escot Park in East Devon. It has a Saxon Village there and they run all manner of fantastic activities such as making jewellery, carving runes, grinding spelt grain, penny striking and seeing a range of animals that were once roaming wild in Anglo-Saxon Britain. The trip is taking place on Wednesday 13th March.
The cost of this trip to parents is £13 and is payable through school money. The school will pay for the coach. Please return your slip to the office.
We will be leaving school at 9:15am and will be having lunch whilst we are there. We will be returning to school for approximately 3:15pm. Your child will therefore need to bring a packed lunch on this day. Children who receive free school meals will be provided with a school packed lunch.
We will be wearing our school uniforms to the venue but children must bring a backpack each to carry their own lunch and water bottle in. Please ensure that your child’s belongings are labelled. If your child requires an inhaler, please make sure that this is given to reception and a medical form has been completed in the office before the day of the trip.
Please complete the permission slip link below
Many thanks,
Mr Paine and Miss Parnowksi