Dear parents & carers,
We’d like your views on which Year 6 Residential Trip you’d prefer for your child, taking place in 2025.
Longer trips (5 days and 4 nights) offer more immersion, a greater variety of activities and a real chance for children and staff to bond as a group. They cost more than shorter trips.
Shorter trips (3 days and 2 nights) cost less but may have less of an impact as less time is spent on the trip.
Adventurous activities (climbing, abseiling, kayaking, caving, high ropes etc.) are things that we can’t offer at school. They give children the chance to try things they may never have done before. Often, children find that they can excel at something they never thought they could do. They offer appropriate, safe challenges that are great for personal development. They need qualified staff and appropriate equipment, so cost more than lower-level activities.
Lower-level activities (team games, fire-lighting, bush craft, country walks etc.) can be less intimidating for children. We offer many of these types of activities in outdoor learning sessions and on class day trips. They are still great fun and are less expensive than adventurous activities as they need lower levels of staff qualifications, lower adult/child ratios and less equipment.
We’d like your views on which you’d prefer.
We will consider all of the options that have been selected and will feed this information back to parents shortly, so we can begin taking payments. Thank you for your help. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me,
Mr Ball –