Dear year 6 parents and carers,
As you will be aware, the week commencing Monday 13th May is the year 6 SATs week.
During this week, we would like to invite the children in to school at 8.30am to have breakfast together, providing a calm, slower start to each morning.
This will happen every morning from Monday to Thursday (the day of the tests). There will be no SATs breakfast on Friday.
The children can arrive at 8.30am and enter through the school hall and go down to their own classroom where the staff will be ready to greet them. A variety of breakfast options including juice, cereal, toast and crumpets will be available (free of charge) for them to have.
Please ensure we are aware of any dietary requirements your child may have.
The children will be registered at 9.00am as usual and the tests will commence shortly after that.
By working together, we can ensure the children enjoy the week whilst having the best possible chance to achieve their potential.
Kind regards,
Sarah Dudley and the year 6 team