Dear parent/carer,
As part of our topic, ‘Once upon a time’, we have planned a trip to Occombe Farm. This will take place on Wednesday 1st May.
The children will have the opportunity to visit the farm and to meet some of their animals. There will be opportunities to learn about them and have special sessions where the children will be able to stroke and potentially feed some of the animals. The cost for this trip will be £6 which includes entry to the farm.
We will be leaving at 9:30am and will return to school after lunch, so school drop off and collection time will be as normal.
Children will need to wear their school uniform but we will pop their outdoor learning suits/coats over the top and also their wellies if the weather is bad. Please ensure that this is in school.
We will be having lunch at the farm so you will need to either provide your child with a packed lunch or order a school packed lunch.
Please let us know if you give permission for us to take your child by clicking on the link below and if your child requires a school packed lunch. (cheese/ham/tuna)
Many thanks,
Mrs Emery and Mrs Wilde