Dear Parents and carers,
On Friday 30th June, we will be going to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth to enhance our learning around our topic, Oceans Deep. We will leave school around 9.15am and travel by coach. We will return to school for 3.15pm. The children will need to come wearing their full school uniforms and will need a packed lunch. There will be no time to look in the gift shop so please do not send your child with any spending money. The cost of the trip is £10 (after being subsidised partly by school) which can be paid on School Money. We have done our best to keep trip costs to minimum throughout the year and hope that you will support us with this subsidised cost for a trip a little further afield than we have been so far.
Please sign the permission slip below to allow your child to come on the trip and indicate whether they will be bringing their own packed lunch or require a school packed lunch.
Kind regards,
Miss Sowden and Mrs Dudley