- All
- Acorns (Reception)
- Elder (Year 5/6)
- Hazel (Year 4)
- Maple (Year 2)
- Oak (Year 5)/6
- Outdoor Learning
- PE
- Pine (Year 1)
- Reading Blog
- The Kingfishers
- Treetops (Nursery)
- Willow (Year 3)
- Year 6 Mr Correy (old)
- Yr 3 Mr Paine (old)
- Yr 4/5 Mrs Dudley
- Yr 6 (old)
Year 6 spent the week away at Grenville House for their residential. Whilst there, they took part in many adventurous activities such as abseiling, caving, canoeing, raft building, archery, orienteering and indoor climbing. They also had the opportunity to see seals close up, try new foods, some learned to make beds and wash up along…
Year 1 went on an adventure to Torquay Museum. Whilst there, they took part in a Toys from the Past workshop to enhance their learning in their topic ‘Toys Through Time’. They were shown lots of different toys from various time periods and even made their own thaumatrope and cup and ball game. They also…
Our pupils love sharing their talents with the local community. Last summer, the children helped plant and sow sunflower seeds for the Friends of Teignmouth Orangery. Today, some of our Year 6 pupils came along to see the results of their gardening. It’s fair to say that they were impressive! These beautiful sunflowers, planted by…
How gorgeous are these self portraits of our reception children. We absolutely love them!
We’ve all enjoyed getting back to school and doing some outdoor learning in the lovely autumn weather. All classes, from nursery to year 6, have had lots of fun exploring, building dens, hunting for invertebrates, cooking in the bark kitchen, working together to build a dome, sketching and much more. We have all shown our…
Roald Dahl Day
Our school was over-run by Matildas, BFG’s, Wonkas, Fantastic Mr Foxes, Oompa Loompas and so many other wonderful characters! We had a phizz-whizzing, swashboggling day in aid of Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.
Year 5 and 6 made ceramic poppies to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. They then took their poppies to Teignmouth Cemetery and laid them on the Commonwealth War Graves as an act of remembrance of those Teignmouth service personnel who lost their lives during both World Wars. This was particularly poignant for two of…
Nursery went to the woods and used double-sided tape to make journey sticks – a record of their journey through the beautiful summer woods.
Every Friday throughout May, children in KS1 and Early Years were invited to release their creativity in Construction Club. We had lots of fun building together, completing challenges and sharing our end designs.
Nursery are learning about Pirates this half term. We have been adventuring in our own pirate ship in the classroom, and spotting and counting fish in our outdoor play area, so there was great excitement when we went to see some real fish. There is even a pirate ship on the ‘ocean’ floor! We will…
Look at all of these wonderful fairytale characters that came to school! To celebrate the end of our topic ‘Once Upon a Time,’ the children came dressed up as a fairy tale character. We had a tea party, read fairytale stories and played party games. Which characters can you spot?
Today, we were visited by two local RNLI lifeguards who led an assembly for all our key stage 2 children all about staying safe at the beach. They explained what the different flags that are displayed at the beach mean, what rip currents are and what to do if you get caught in one, how…
World Book Day
Today, to celebrate World Book Day, the children and staff were invited to come in dressed up as a word and they did not disappoint. We had wonderful words such monochromatic, love, archaic, palaeontologist, musical, colourful, despicable, lethal, clumsy, perplexed, discombobulated, shiny, sparkly, royal, Christmas and so many more. Every class enjoyed the beautiful story,…
We were so lucky to be visited again by two talented musicians, Alfie Pugh and Jade Gall. They played a variety of instruments and musical pieces for the children who were in awe throughout. It is such a magical experience to see and hear live music being performed.
Nursery’s theme for the last half term was “How many colours are there in a rainbow?” This theme was used to inspire, create, sing, dance, act and read, all whilst learning through play. The parents were invited this week to a celebration showcasing the creations of their children. The children sang for their parents before…
Nursery took advantage of the clear, cold and calm weather to toast some marshmallows on the fire. The children learned responsibility around the fire; this is one of our Green Behaviours. Mr Ball made sure that they were safe and we all enjoyed the delicious marshmallows.
Did you know that Henry VIII had a pulley to help him get out of bed? In DT this half term, year 5 and 6 have been learning about mechanical systems and in particular, pulleys. They have investigated how they work and have looked at real-life objects that use pulleys. They then created a machine…
RE in years 1 and 2
As part of their R.E learning this week, the children in years 1 and 2 were lucky to have a special visitor come and talk to them. Lesley from St Michael’s Church in Teignmouth came and talked to the children about what it is like being part of a Christian community. She also shared with…
Teignmouth Primary Rocks!
For NSPCC Number Day, Key Stage 2 dressed up as rock stars and took part in a times tables rock battle against all the other Ivy Education Trust primary schools on Times Tables Rock Stars. Each class experienced some fun maths activities to celebrate maths and numbers whilst raising money for the NSPCC.
National Science Week
It was Science Week this week! We had several exciting events going on to celebrate it. On Monday, we had two teachers from Teignmouth Community School – Exeter Road come and set us some STEM challenges. Reception had to investigate how changing the weight in the bottom of skittles affected how easy it was to…
World Book Day 2023
School was once again filled with a huge variety of book characters to celebrate World Book Day 2023. We enjoyed a Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), a Book in a Jar competition, dress up and all the children looked at some of the poetry of Joseph Coelho and responded to it in their own ways.
Al Fresco Cooking
Because it was Shrove Tuesday this week, Mr. Correy’s class made pancakes at outdoor learning – well, drop scones, but they’re very similar! They talked about why we have the tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, what Lent means to Christians and why Easter changes date each year. The drop scones were delicious once…
Year 1 and 2 Visit the Zoo
As part of their topic, ‘Paws, Claws and Tails’, year 1 and 2 visited Paignton Zoo. They took part in a workshop looking at the skeletons of different animals and then spent time spotting all the animals in the zoo itself.
Year 3 and 4 visit Tiverton Museum
On Wednesday 11th January, year 3 and 4 went on a trip to Tiverton Museum to learn more about the Romans as part of their topic this half term. Whilst there, they had the opportunity to try on some armour, make a mosaic, do an archaeological dig, learn about the food they would have eaten…
Community Recycle Scheme
This new scheme donates a collection of second-hand, overstocked and end-of-line equipment to schools in the UK. A wide range of items has already been given away, including shade sails, post pad protectors and colourful fence pales. The full range of items can be viewed online, where requests can also be submitted. Several companies are…
Nursery Enjoy Outdoor Learning
Nursery enjoyed their first trip to Outdoor Learning in 2023 – for some of the children, it was their first time ever! They had fun, especially in the bark kitchen and with the wheelbarrows. They learned to be independent, resilient, and responsible – 3 of our school’s Green Behaviours.
Key Stage 2 Christmas Concert
On Monday 12th December, we held our Christmas concert with all the children in years 3 to 6 at the Pavilions in Teignmouth. The children sang, read poems and played instruments. It was a truly magical performance which started our festivities leading up to Christmas beautifully. Well done Key Stage 2!
Year 1’s Misty Morning
Year 1 had a beautiful, misty autumn morning for Outdoor Learning. We collected leaves and acorns for a science research project. The damp air left droplets on all of the spiders’ webs – they looked beautiful!
Year 5 Tying Knots
Year 5 showed resilience when learning to tie figure-of eight knots and clove hitches in Outdoor Learning.
The Solar Airship
Year 4 had the perfect morning for flying the solar airship. It needs to be sunny and still – it doesn’t matter if it’s chilly. The black material of the airship is very thin. It needs to be filled with air (by running it up and down the field with one end open) first. Then,…
Applications to join a Primary School
If your child is looking to start school in a Reception class next year, we’d love for you to join us on our amazing Gruffalo Trail! See advert for more details.
Year 3/4 working together in maths
In Miss Sowden’s class, the children have been working together to explore place value in their maths lessons. They worked collaboratively to explain their thinking and show their understanding using manipulatives.
Roald Dahl Day 2022
On Tuesday 13th September, we celebrated Dahlicious Day here in school. This is an annual event which raises money for Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity while enjoying the magic of his books. Our children were invited to come in dressed up as a Roald Dahl character and they did not disappoint! During the day, they…
In Remembrance of HRH Queen Elizabeth II
Dear Parent/Carer As you will have probably heard, Monday 19th September will be a national Bank Holiday in respect of the State Funeral for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The Department for Education announcement to Headteachers and school leaders stated the following: The official date of the State Funeral is 19 September 2022. This day…
Dear Parent/Carer, You are invited to our Sports Day on Tuesday 12th July. Timetable for the day 10.30am Reception and KS1 team events 12 noon Picnic on the field for the whole school 1.30pm KS2 competitive sports All the children will return to their classes at 1.00pm whilst the field is prepared for the KS2…
Heat Health Warning
Dear Parents and Carers, Heat Health Warning The Met Office have advised there is a high chance of heat health warnings for this Friday 17th June 2022. We have considered the effects of heat on the health of children and have put some adjustments in place for tomorrow. Please can we ask that you help…
Parent forum
A reminder that the next Parent forum will be Tuesday at 4pm in the school hall. Agenda:- Proposed changes to the school (AT) Curriculum (LM) SRE (CF) We hope to see as many of you there as possible
Parent Governor Vacancy – TCS Mill Lane (June 2022)
Dear Parent/Carer Please find below a link to a letter form the Chair of Governors giving notice of one Parent Governor Vacancy at Mill Lane. If you are interested in this rewarding and valued role, please complete the application form below and return it to annabelle.thomas@teignmouthschool.co.uk, or by post, or by hand to the main…
Shaldon Beach – 9th July 2022
Dear parent/carer, As a grand finale to our Coastline topic, we are planning a morning trip to Shaldon beach. This will take place this week on Thursday 9th June. We are extremely lucky to have the beach on our doorstep and we are lucky enough to have access to minibuses this week, this means that…
Dough Club
Dear Parents and Carers We will be running an after-school club for children in the Reception class. It will run until 4pm on a Tuesday. The first session will be Tuesday 14th June and the final session will be Tuesday 19th July. There will be limited spaces available. The children will listen to a story…
Running Club
Dear Parent/ Carer, A running club will be starting for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Tuesday 14th June. The last date will be one week before the end of term on Tuesday 12th July. It will take place every Tuesday from 3.20 – 4.20 p.m. on the school field. Children will get changed…
Please click on the below link for information on Homework Expectations. What are our homework expectations for your child.docx
keeping your children safe in the sun
Please follow the link below for top tips on keeping your children safe in the sun. https://soltansunready.com/for-families/top-tips-soltan-macmillan
Sats Week
Dear parents and carers, SATs week is next week! The children have worked exceptionally hard and we are very proud of their efforts. For Monday to Thursday of next week, please could our Year 5 pupils come straight to the hall for registration. They will take part in some fun activities whilst the Year…
Visiting Musicians
On Friday, we were delighted to welcome two musicians to our assemblies. Alfie and Rebecca played as part of the Teignmouth Music Festival in March, and have been sharing their music in schools too. They played a huge range of instruments from keyboard, to viola, to bassoon and vibraphone! What talent! It was wonderful to…
Every child from the term after their third birthday are entitled to 15 hours of funded nursery provision. Some children will be entitled to two year old funding or 30 hours funding (3 and 4 year olds). You can see if you are eligible for these additional types of funding at https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ The nursery here at…
Covid-19 vaccinations – Teignmouth Triangle
On Sunday 10th April at Teignmouth Triangle, there will be a Covid-19 clinic available for all 5-11 year olds vaccinations.
Dear Parents and Carers, I am excited to write to let you know that as of the 1st September, I will be going on maternity leave to have my second child. There is an internal plan in place to cover my absence for the academic year, and I believe that as a result this will…
New Weekly Menu
Dear Parents/Carers – Please click on the link below to view our new menu for next term this will start after the Easter Holidays. I am sure you will agree, it looks/sounds great and has certainly been popular since its introduction. Osprey Trust Menu
Dear Parents and Carers, Local artist, Sam Lock, will be returning next week to work with all children across the school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pupils will need to bring in old clothes/a big old shirt or apron that will cover the uniform as they will be working with paint which may damage…
Changes to COVID Guidelines
Dear Parents and Carers, I wanted to let you know about the new changes in managing Covid in schools moving forward. These new guidelines come into force as of today (Friday 1st April). Updated guidance will advise (from DfE): Adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel…
Quest Day – Mr Paine and Miss Sowden’s classes
Quest Day Dear parents and carers, In Mr Paine’s and Miss Sowden’s classes, this half term’s Quest Day will be held on Wednesday 6th April. On that day, the children are invited to come in dressed up in anything music related – be creative! Children who are unable to create a costume at home will…
Parent Governor Vacancies – TCS Mill Lane
Dear Parent/Carer Please find below a link to a letter form the Chair of Governors giving notice of one Parent Governor Vacancy at Mill Lane. If you are interested in this rewarding and valued role, please complete the application form below and return it to annabelle.thomas@teignmouthschool.co.uk, or by post, or by hand to the main…
We are becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!
Dear Parent / Carer, We are becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School! Teignmouth Community School Mill Lane aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. As part of this plan…
CAP UK – Child Assault Prevention
Dear Family As you may be aware the Child Assault Prevention Project are working with all the children in school this week. CAP’s aim is to reduce children’s vulnerability to assault by decreasing fear around issues of safety and by building children’s confidence in an empowering and fun way. This week we are working…
CAP UK – Child Assault Prevention
Dear Family As you may be aware the Child Assault Prevention Project (CAP) are working with all of the children in school this week. CAP’s aim is to reduce children’s vulnerability to assault by decreasing fear around issues of safety and by building children’s confidence in an empowering and fun way. Today…
Parent/Carer Survey
Dear parents and carers, Thank you so much to those who have completed the parent survey- your feedback is really important to us in continuing to improve our feedback and provide the best education possible for our pupils. We will be closing the survey on Monday morning. If you have not done so,…
Letter from Osprey Learning Trust and Estuaries Multi Academy Trust
Dear Parents and Carers, We are writing to update you on the proposal to merge Osprey Learning Trust and Estuaries Multi Academy Trust. In February, the proposal was considered by the Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West and her advisory board. They have given their approval for the merger to proceed. The two Boards…
CAP UK – Child Assault Prevention
Dear Parents/ Carers CAP UK is a school-based project that works with the whole school community to reduce children’s vulnerability to abuse. CAP equips children with the skills and strategies necessary to stay safe from harm and encourages them to grow up to be strong and confident young people. They will be working with…
Parents Curriculum Survey
Dear parents and carers, At Mill Lane, we believe in the huge importance of working with parents and carers, and are always seeking to develop our practice. We would really appreciate your feedback in helping us see what is working well at the school for our pupils, and if there are any things we…
Please click on the link below for information on the PACA – Cake Sale – Friday 11th March, 3pm outside the school hall. cake sale poster march
Year 6 (current Year 5) Residential to Grenville House 10th – 14th October 2022 Dear Parent/Carer, We are delighted to announce that we have secured the above dates for next year’s residential trip to Grenville House Outdoor Education Centre in Brixham. The residential will consist of activities taking place over 5 days…
FINAL DAY FOR THE BOOK FAIR Just a reminder that the book fair is on again today from 3pm to 4pm, this is the FINAL DAY. payment is made by card only which can be done in two different ways, either by using the QR code that is positioned around the Hall and also…
British Science Week
Dear parent/carer, This year, British Science Week falls between the 14th and 18th March. Here in school, we have a range of activities planned to help our children engage with science, learn more about the world and see that science is everywhere! The theme for Science Week this year is ‘Growth’. On Monday 14th,…
Red Nose Day 2022
Dear Parents and Carers, On Friday 18th March 2022, it is Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief which aims to create a world free from poverty. The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. To celebrate, and help raise important…
Dear parent/carer, Year 5 will be going on a trip to London next term. This is a trip that we have run for many years pre COVID and it is always a fantastic experience. We visit the Houses of Parliament, the Natural History Museum and have a guided tour of London. This year, the trip…
Dear Parents & Guardians, Book Fair 2022 We are very pleased to announce that because of covid restrictions easing we are able to invite you to our Book Fair on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th March 2022 with your child/children to come and have a look at all the lovely books that will…
New Restrictions to Parents – Final
Dear Parents, As you will be aware, this week the Government published their updated guidance around the changes they are making to the law for COVID. I’ve tried to outline the changes in this letter. As you can imagine, the guidance is not as clear as we would hope; there are still many questions so…
World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March
Dear Parents and Carers, This year, World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March and we would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. This year, it is the 25th anniversary of World Book Day and the theme…
Warn and Inform
Please click on the link before for information on Warn and Inform Warn and inform 14th Feb 2022
Year 6 Swimming
Dear parents/carers, We’re delighted to tell you that we have been able to book swimming lessons for our Year 6 pupils. Learning to swim is a curriculum requirement and all children are expected to attend the lessons as part of their PE learning; the National Curriculum states that children should be able to swim…
QUEST DAY – USA – Year 4/5
10 February 2022 Quest Day Dear parents and carers, In Mrs Dudley’s year 4/5 class, this half term’s Quest Day will be held on Thursday 17th February. On that day, the children are invited to come in dressed up as something linked to the USA. This could be as a famous American person, something…
Warn and Inform
Please click on the link below, for information regarding Warn and Inform Warn and inform 7th February 2022
Covid 19 Update
04 February 2022 Dear Parents and Carers, I am very pleased to say that we are ending the week with minimal cases of covid. This is a huge improvement and therefore means that we are able to come out of our outbreak management plan. However, we will be doing this with caution with minimal changes…
Book Fair 2022
Dear Parents & Guardians, Book Fair 2022 We are very pleased to announce that we will be able to hold our Book Fair this year, which will be the first time for two years because of covid restrictions. It will commence on Monday 7th March 2022. We are hoping that as in previous…
University Tutor’s
Dear Parents and carers, As you may be aware, we currently have two student teachers working within Miss Sowden’s class. As part of their training, they are visited by their university tutor who helps to monitor their progress. On Tuesday 1st February, one of the student’s university tutors will be visiting virtually via Microsoft Teams….
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform LM and CG 21st Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform SDu 21st Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform HS 21st Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform WP 21st Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform WP 21st Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – Warn and Inform Warn and inform BE and CF 21st Jan 2022
New Attendance Policy
Dear Parents and carers, Please see our new attendance policy on the school website. This now gives you the option of being able to report your child’s absence via e-mail. You can do this via:- attendanceml@teignmouthschool.co.uk This must be done on the morning of your child’s absence and every day they are…
Outbreak Cohort LFD testing Miss Sowdens class
Please click on the below link for information regarding outbreak cohort testing outbreak cohort LFD testing HS class 18th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the link below Warn and inform CG and LM 18th Jan 2022Warn and inform CG and LM 18th Jan 2022
Advise from Public Health England
Dear parents and carers, I have phoned PHE for some further advice this morning to check we are doing all that we can as we now have a high number of cases across the school, following the Christmas holidays. I have explained what we have in place and they have said we are…
Warn and Inform
Please see attached warn and inform information:- Warn and inform Y2 17th Jan 2022
Potential merger stakeholder announcement
Please click on the link below:- Potential merger stakeholder announcement1
warn and inform
Please click on the below warn and inform letter Warn and inform PC 17th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below warn and inform letter Warn and inform SDu 17th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a warn and inform letter Warn and inform HS 17th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below warn and inform letter Warn and inform Y3 17th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a warn and inform letter:- Warn and inform Reception 17th Jan 2022
Warn and Inform
Please clink on the below link for a warn and inform letter:- Warn and Inform Letter HS 14th January 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click below for a Warn and Inform Letter Warn and Inform Letter BE and CF 14th January 2022
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a warn and inform letter. Warn and Inform Letter WP 11th January 2022
Warn and Inform
Dear Parents and carers, * We are writing to inform you that there has been a confirmed case of covid within your child’s class. We are continuing to monitor the situation. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for…
Presenting our Christmas performances!
Dear Parents/Guardians – we are delighted to share the following performances with you as we finish an extremely busy term. The children have had such a lovely time making these videos in school this past week, so we hope they bring you some Christmas cheer! The videos are password protected, with the password being available…
Year 5/6 Writing
Year 5/6 have been using their computing skills to help showcase their final write of the term. They used green screen to create backgrounds, creating an illusion and recorded themselves reading their letters. They had lots of fun writing letters of complaint and using their voices to show emotion.
Irreversible reactions
Mr. Correy’s class have been learning about materials in science. We talked about reversible and irreversible reactions. We discussed that making mixtures and solutions are both reversible; we can use filters for mixtures and evaporation to separate solutions. We talked about making a cake and tried a campfire recipe that Mr. Ball had found. It…
Christmas Countdown!
Dear Parents and Carers, I am very pleased and proud to say that Mrs Sandercock will be taking up a position as Head of School in January at one of our Trust schools in Kenton. This will be a secondment for 2 terms. In her absence, we have appointed a new nursery teacher, Helen Neal,…
Warn and Inform
Please click on below link for warn and inform letter. Warn and inform letter Mrs Dudley’s class
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Mr Correy’s class
Warn and Inform
Please click the below link for information on warn and inform Warn and inform letter Mrs Dudleys
Flu Vaccination – consent
Dear Parents/Guardians, Your child is in Year Reception to Year 6 from September 2021 and is therefore eligible for a Free Nasal Childhood Flu Vaccination. The immunisation team will be visiting your child’s school on Tuesday 11th of January 2022. Flu vaccination is one of the most effective interventions we have to reduce pressure on…
Please use the following link to donate for our Take an Elfie day in aid of Exeter Leukaemia Fund
Please use the following link to donate for our Take an Elfie day in aid of Exeter Leukaemia Fund- www.justgiving.com/exeterlf
Christmas update
Dear parents and carers, The Year 6 residential to Grenville House was a great success last week with a fun time had by all. I would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Correy, Mr Maunder and Mrs Corbett for attending the residential and giving up their free time in the evenings to…
Warn and Inform
Please click below link for warn and inform letter. Warn and inform letter Mr Paine
warn and inform
Please click on the below link for Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mrs Freshwater
Warn and Inform Letter
Please click on the below link for Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mrs Sandercock
Anti Bullying Week – 15th November 2021
Please click on the below link Anti bullying week Nov 21 parent info for website
Warn and inform
Please click on the below link for warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Mr Marchant and Miss Gobel
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Mr Paine
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for the warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Mr Correy’s class
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Mr Paine
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – warn and inform letter Warn and inform letter Miss Langdown
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for information – warn and inform letter Warn_and_Inform_Letter Mr Marchant and Miss Gobel
Christmas Events
Dear Parents and Carers, It is with regret that we are not going to be able to hold our Christmas events in person in its traditional form. Although our covid rates are falling, they are still too high to be able to have multiple parents on site and in confined areas. We have not taken…
Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 15th December
Dear Parents and Carers – on Friday 3rd of December, we will be asking all children in school whether they would like to order a school Christmas dinner on Wednesday 15th December at lunch time. Please discuss this with your child at home. There will be a meat version and a vegetarian option. Meals will…
support with a healthy lifestyle including mental health.
Please click on the below link for information on support with a healthy lifestyle including mental health. Family Social Prescribing Scheme
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link – Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Nursery
Warn and Inform
Please see below link for Warn and Inform Letter Warn_and_Inform_Letter SDu and LM
Please note there is no year 3/4 netball after school club on Tuesday 30th November.
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mrs Emery and Mrs Fleming
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mr Marchant and Miss Gobel
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link for a Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mr Paine
Warn and Inform
Please click on below link for Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mrs Emery
Warn and Inform
Please click on the below link – Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mr Correy’s class
Covid Information
Dear parents and carers, I have sent out a number of letters over the last few days regarding our increase in covid cases. If there has been a case in your child’s class, you will have been notified. We cannot give out personal information on cases but NHS track and trace will notify you if…
Warn and Inform Letter
HI Please click on the below link for a Warn and Inform letter Warn and inform letter Miss Langdown
Warn and Inform Letter
Hi Please click on the below link for Warn and Inform Letter Warn and inform letter Mrs Dudley’s class
Please note there is no year 3/4 netball after school club on Tuesday 30th November.
Advice to All Parents – warn and inform
Advice to All Parents – warn and inform Dear Parents, * We have been advised by a parent that there has been a confirmed case of covid within Mr Correy’s class. We are continuing to monitor the situation. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to…
Year 4 Multiplication Check Parents’ Guide
If you are a parent of a child currently in year 4, you may be interested in reading this guide published by The Department for Education all about the year 4 Multiplication Check. If you have any further questions, please do speak to your child’s teacher.
Fun Fest
CHANGE OF DATE Please ensure Your child needs to wear their own P.E. kit and trainers to arrive at school and bring their uniform for the afternoon. YEAR 2 GAMES FESTIVAL Dear Parents and Carers, Year 2 are going to a Games festival in The Alive Health Sports Hall, Exeter Road on Tuesday 23rd…
Spare Uniform Items
Dear parents and carers, We have been in receipt of some spare uniform items that we have decided to send home over the next few days. We do not have enough items to give to all children in school due to the sizes we have, so we will be sending home items predominantly to…
Netball Dates
Please note there is no year 3/4 netball after school club on Tuesday 23rd November.
Grenville House
Dear parent/carer, As you know, your child is going to Grenville House for their residential trip soon; from 29th November until 3rd December. They are going to have a great time and I hope they are getting excited about it! This letter is to just clear up a few questions that have come up….
Exeter Leukaemia Fund
Here at Teignmouth Community School we have chosen Exeter Leukaemia Fund as our charity for the year. Our school council will be involved in helping us choose three events to hold across the year to help raise funds for this amazing charity. Our first event will be on Wednesday 15th December when we will be…
New Trial Dinner Menu
Teignmouth Community School Mill lane is taking part in an exciting opportunity to trial a new dinner menu from ‘Dartfresh’. Dartfresh are a local company supplying local produce to schools and businesses throughout the Southwest. The menus are diverse and packed full with fresh ingredients. The finest ingredients the Southwest has to offer will be…
The Wonderful Water Cycle!
This week, Miss Sowden’s class have been learning about the water cycle. We learnt new vocabulary, put the cycle in order, made videos explaining what happened and even made our own water cycle in the classroom!
Advice to All Parents Covid 19 warn and inform
Advice to All Parents – warn and inform Dear Parents, We have been advised by Public Health England that there has been confirmed cases of COVID-19 within Key stage 2 at the school. We know that you may find this concerning but we are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public…
Admission to Primary School 2022
Admission to Primary School 2022 for children born between 01/09/2017 and 31/08/2018 Children born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018 are entitled to start full time Primary Education in September 2022 The application facility opens on 15th November 2021 and closes at midnight on 15th January 2022. The Step by Step Guide is…
Mini Police Programme
Pupils from Year 6 spent six weeks working with Pc Perrins from Devon and Cornwall Police as part of the Mini Police programme. They learnt about anti-social behaviour, what that can look like and the causes. They then created posters to tackle this type of behaviour and placed them in Broadmeadow Park. The children then…
National Online Safety – Squid Games
Please click on the link attached for online safety information for the new Squid Games. https://nationalonlinesafety.com/wakeupwednesday/squid-game-trending-across-platforms-what-parents-need-to-know
Flu Vaccinations for children
Dear Parents, Where the School Aged Immunisation Team would normally aim to complete the flu vaccine offer in schools by the end of December, this year there has been significant additional work to deliver to support the Covid 12 -15 vaccines and all year group flu vaccines programme. In view of this, the flu delivery…
Mini Police programme
Pupils from Year 6 spent six weeks working with Pc Perrins from Devon and Cornwall Police as part of the Mini Police programme. They learnt about anti-social behaviour, what that can look like and the causes. They then created posters to tackle this type of behaviour and placed them in Broadmeadow Park. The children then…
Grenville House Outdoor Education Centre – Outdoor Activity Kit Guide
Please see the below guide for the kit list – Grenville House Activity Kit Guide
Dear Parents/Guardians, The Osprey Learning Trust has been given an exciting opportunity to trial a new product from a well-established and prestigious supplier. I have a good relationship with ‘Dartfresh’ after my years of hotel and restaurant kitchen management. With a butcher, fishmonger, greengrocer, and a huge range of ambient and chilled ingredients from local…
Draft Admissions Policies for 2023-2024
The draft admission policy 2023-24 for TCS Mill Lane is out for consultation between 1 November 2021 – 7 January 2022. To view the policy, please visit https://www.ospreylearningtrust.co.uk/trust-policies/. Please send comments to gaby.willis@ospreylearningtrust.co.uk.
Parent Forum – 20th October
Dear Parents/Carers – we would like to welcome you to our next Parent Forum taking place on Wednesday 20th of October from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. It will be virtual this time but we hope to be able to offer this in person at a later date. The agenda for the meeting will be: Welcome and…
Mindfulness Calendar – 5 Minute Activities
Sunday the 10th October is World Mental Health Day. More than ever we are thinking about our mental health and ways to look after it. Please click on the link below to read through the suggestions of five minute activities that you could do. Choose one this Sunday that you might want to do as…
Helping your child to read
Dear Parents and Carers, I will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 5th October at 3:30pm to talk to you about how your child learns to read. It will give you a chance to see how we teach phonics and also allow you to ask any questions that you may have. It is available for…
Helping your child to read
Dear Parents and Carers, I will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 5th October at 3:30pm to talk to you about how your child learns to read. It will give you a chance to see how we teach phonics and also allow you to ask any questions that you may have. It is available for…
This week, we have learnt a new skill in numeracy! We have been learning to round to the nearest 10 and nearest 100. Sometimes it can be tricky to know whether to round up or down so we use the rule ‘four to the floor, five to the sky.’
Calling All Bakers!
Calling All Bakers! PACA are hosting a bake sale this Friday, October 1st, at 3pm outside the school hall and we are looking for cake donations please! All donations can be brought to the school office on Friday morning and all money raised goes back to the school for school equipment and/or activities! We can’t…
Welcome to PACA! (Parent and Community Association) TCS Mill Lane’s PTA organisation, PACA, are back and working harder than ever to raise much-needed funds for the school! Upcoming events include a Bake Sale on Friday Oct 1st, at 3pm outside the school hall, a Spooky disco on Monday Nov 1st, a used uniform shop (dates…
Chris Johnson of Southwest Animal Services – 21st October 2021
Dear parents and carers, This half term, our topic is ‘Predator!’ To finish this topic, we have organised for Chris Johnson of Southwest Animal Services to come to school with a range of animals for the children to see, handle and learn about. This will allow the children to find out more about the areas…
Year 6 Residential – Important Information
Dear parent/carer, As you know, Year 6 are going on their residential trip to Grenville House this term (Monday 29th November – Friday 3rd December). This letter is to clear up a few questions that arose at the meeting this week. Here is a link to their website for more information: https://www.grenvillehouse.co.uk/ The children need…
Free School Meal and Pupil Premium
Dear Parents and Carers, Pupil premium and free school meals If your child is eligible for ‘free school meals’ and you register them for this, we’ll receive extra funding called ‘pupil premium’. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school. What is pupil premium funding? Pupil premium funding…
Public Health England South West
Public Health England South West 3rd Floor, 2 Rivergate Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6EH Follaton House, Plymouth Road Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5NE T +44 (0)300 303 8162 F +44 (0)117 930 0205 F: +44 (0)1392 367356 www.gov.uk/phe 20th September 2021 Dear Parent/Guardian, I am writing to let you know that a number of children and…
Not receiving App notifications?
Dear Parents/Carers – we have had a handful of parents inform us that they are not receiving notifications through the School App. This simple help guide should help you solve any issues you may have. The most common issue is the need to select your child’s new class, via settings / categories. Follow this link…
Year 6 Grenville House Meeting – 20th September 2021
Dear parent/carer, As you know, Year 6 (Mr Correy’s class and Mr Marchant/Miss Gobel’s class) are going on their residential trip in November – from Monday 29th November until Friday 3rd December. If you have any questions or would like to find out a bit more about the trip, we are holding a…
Lost property will be left outside the hall, before and after school on Friday 10th September 2021. Please come and claim.
Dahliscious Day – 13th September 2021
Dear Grown Up, This year’s Dahliscious Day takes place on Monday 13th September 2021. Due to the short notice, we will not be asking children to dress up this year (there will be other opportunities for this later in the year); however, we will be celebrating the day in class with lots of lovely Dahl-inspired…
The Goodie Box
We’re really sorry to not be able to run the Goodie Box project for the Summer holidays. We hope this does not cause too much disappointment. We have included some info below we hope your family will find useful for the holidays Recipes • Goodie Box Recipes: All the previous recipes are uploaded online here….
SEN Summer Newsletter
Please find a copy of our SEN Newsletter below: SEN Summer Newsletter
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly Video
Please click the link and enter the password, that has been sent out separately, to view the year 6 leavers’ video. We hope that you enjoy it. From the year 6 team and all the staff at Mill Lane. https://teignmouthdevonsch-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sarah_dudley_teignmouthschool_co_uk/Ecco0u79UzRHpyz3vYmrc4gBQXzwspcpdioJ4ZVsbKHOqA?e=n2H50T
All aboard the submarine!
Miss Sowden set us a challenge to see if we could make a submarine out of empty plastic bottles! We tried lots of different things to help them sink, but all of them floated! The videos are on our seesaw page!
Year 6 – School Leavers Party
To year 6 parents, This is a quick reminder that the year 6 leavers’ party is taking place here on our school field on Thursday 22nd July between 4 and 6pm. We will open the gates for them to come in just before 4pm and they can be collected at the school gates at 6pm….
Hot Weather/Sports Day
Dear Parents and Carers whilst the hot weather is a lovely treat, it is also vitally important that your child comes to school with a drink and sun cream/sun hat. This is particularly important on Thursday where they will all be taking part in Sports Day. A quick reminder that packed lunches will replace school…
Year 6 – Exeter Road Transition – Wednesday 21st July 2021
Dear Parents/Carers – a quick reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday 21st of July) is transition day for those Year 6 children moving across to Exeter Road in September. Children will need to arrive at Exeter Road site for 9.30am. They will need their PE kit and a packed lunch. They will need to wear their…
Advice to All Parents
What Parents and Carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during COVID – 19 Main messages From 19 July the government continues to manage the risk of serious illness from the spread of the virus. This marks a new phase in the government’s response to the pandemic, moving away from stringent…
Arts Week Project!
We had Arts Week a couple of weeks ago, where we talked about how our green behaviours can link into taking care of our world! We then designed a poster to remind people about this! Evie, Leo and Alisha’s were chosen as the top three posters with Evie’s winning the final class vote! It was…
Meet the teacher – links for virtual meeting
Dear Parents/Carers – please find the links below to the ‘Meet the Teacher’ online meetings taking place at 3:30pm and 5:00pm on Tuesday 13th of July. The meeting is being streamed via Microsoft Teams. You will not need to download Microsoft Teams or create an account. The link should take you straight to the meeting….
Social Prescribing Service
Please see the link below for information on Social Prescribing. T The Social Prescribing Team are there to support with physical and mental well-being. You do not need an appointment with your doctor to access this service. You can simply call your surgery and ask to speak to a well-being practitioner. They will call you…
Year 6 Information
Dear year 6 parents and carers, As you will now be aware, Exeter Road have made the difficult decision to cancel the enhanced transition week due to the current Covid situation and the children will only now visit on Wednesday 21st July (all the details about this transition day will be included on the information…
Monkey Web
Dear parents and carers Please be vigilant regarding a new app called Monkey Web. We would advise you NOT to discuss this directly with your child – you do not want your child to search for it or create rumours within groups of children – but to closely monitor their use of devices and time…
Summer Letter
Dear Parents and Carers, We are aware of some issues regarding the school app, which means some parents and children have not received a notification of which class they are in next year. If you have not received the notification, please contact us. Other staffing updates to share are as follows:- Sadly, Mrs Webber in…
All in a Day’s Work!
It was Careers Day today and we could dress up for the job we would like to have as an adult! We had lots of doctors, YouTubers, teachers and hairdressers, along with an author, a couple of vets and a scientist! We made identity badges, talked about talents and designed an award for a partner!…
Never Eat Soggy Waffles!
As it was such a lovely day today, we took our maths outside! We have been learning about direction, turns and angles. We drew a compass using chalk on the ground and practised quarter, half, three quarter and full turns. We also made decisions about whether we were going clockwise or anti-clockwise and how many…
Mmm! Tasty!
It’s a dog eat dog world in nature, or a dolphin eat squid world! We researched different sea animals and found out what they eat! We put this research to good use and made food chains! We were amazed at what different animals liked to snack on.
Healthy Living Week
Dear Parent/Carer, From September 2020, schools have had to teach Relationships and Health Education. You can read about these changes in this DfE guide for parents here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-sex-and-health-education-guides-for-schools. The DfE also strongly encourages primary schools to deliver sex education to help prepare children for their transition to secondary school. The new guidance is simply about…
Residential to Grenville House (Current Yr 5)
Year 6 (current Year 5) Residential to Grenville House 29th November – 3rd December 2021 Dear Parents/Carers, We are delighted to announce the details for the upcoming residential to the Grenville House Outdoor Education Centre in Brixham. The residential will consist of activities taking place over 5 days and 4 nights. These activities include: •…
Summer Term update
Dear Parents and Carers, Following the Government announcement earlier this week, I am writing to inform you that we will sadly not be able to have parents on site for events this half term. We will do our very best to capture these events on camera so you can experience them virtually. For the children…
Year 5/6 Popping Buboes!
As part of our learning on the topic ‘Peasants, Princes and Pestilence’, we made buboes – one of the main symptoms of the bubonic plague – out of custard and ketchup. We then popped them to recreate this grotesque but interesting phase in the disease. Yuck!
Summer Updates from Mrs Thomas
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back to our final term of the school year! I hope that you all had a relaxing break and enjoyed the long-awaited sunshine! I am writing to give you some updates on staffing and dates for our very busy summer term. I am very proud to say that Mr Williams…
What’s the time Mr Wolf?
We are starting to look at time telling this week in our class! We have started with recapping previous learning and checking we know o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to! We used the clocks to show different times, took photos and labelled them! We have to make sure we have the hands the…
Symptoms of Covid-19
Dear Parents and Carers – if your child or anyone in your household is showing any of the symptoms of Covid-19, the household must self isolate. The individual displaying symptoms must take a PCR test (not a lateral flow test). The symptoms include: a high temperature a new, continuous cough a loss of, or change…
Number Day
On Wednesday 19th May, the whole school took part in the NSPCC Number Day. Everyone was invited to come in dressed in numbers and every class took part in activities that explored and enjoyed the fun and wonder of number! There were number hunts in the school grounds, number investigations, an escape-room-style challenge, nature numbers…
Number Day!
We worked on a number activity called Frog jumps! We worked in partners and used counters to show where the frogs landed, then we started to solve some problems using this! We also did a fun number Kahoot quiz! Well done to Evie, Maisie and Bobby who were on the podium at the end! ?
It’s all a drama!
We will be writing play scripts this half term so to help us, we had a go at performing a short section of a play in groups! We have also looked at how to lay out a play script and next we will think about how to use stage directions.
Superhero Vocabulary
We worked in groups today to generate lots of vocabulary linked to superheroes! We are reading Cartoon Kid and used this and what we already know to collect words and phrases, and presented our group work to the class. Wham-bam, jelly and jam!
Dear Parents/Carers, We would like the children to hear from people working across a range of different careers. It is important that the children in our community have goals and aspirations and for them to start thinking about what they might do for a job in the future. We want our children to know that…
We’re taking part in NSPCC Number Day!
Dear Parents and Carers, Due to the unforeseen closure of the school on Friday, we were not able to hold our scheduled Number Day. Therefore, we would like to reschedule the event for Wednesday 19th May. As we had originally planned, will have a fun day of maths activities and we will be taking part…
Headteacher appointment
Dear Parents and Carers, It is with great pleasure to inform all the parents and carers of pupils at Teignmouth Community School Mill Lane, that following a competitive recruitment campaign Annabelle Thomas has been appointed as the full time Headteacher for the school. Mill Lane had been operating with a slightly different senior management structure…
Number Day!
Number Day! A quick reminder that tomorrow (Friday 7th May) is the NSPCC Number Day. The children are invited to come into school dressed in something with numbers on to celebrate. They will have some lovely number-inspired activities to do as well. The class teacher will provide an activity for those that do not have…
Get ready for Pyjamarama on Friday 14th May
Dear Parents and Carers, Get ready for Pyjamarama on Friday 14th May This is an initiative from the BookTrust and Pyjamarama is all about getting children excited about reading, and fundraising to make sure every child gets their bedtime story. BookTrust asks that children around the country, will spend a day reading, enjoying and sharing…
Summer Devon Virtual School Games
The Dartmoor School Sports Partnership have launched this summers’ Devon Virtual School Games with some events that can be enjoyed at home. Please click the following links: Naturally Healthy May Photo Competition for Children and Young People(1st May to 31st May 2021) Skipping Tricks Series(4th May to 2nd July 2021) Jump Rope Competition(4th May to…
Fun For All
Dear Parents and Carers, Please take some time to read this flyer about sporting opportunities being offered free of charge for children in years 5 and 6. Details of how to book are on the flyer below:
Last week in guided reading we read about how people used to use the sun to tell the time. Today we made sundials and used torches as the light source! Through investigation, we learnt how a sundial works!
Equipment donated by PACA
Thank you to PACA for kindly donating play time equipment for children to use at break and lunch times. This has been particularly welcomed during Covid-19 due to children having limited contact with friends from other classes. The children were delighted to receive the equipment which consists of balls, skipping ropes and other items. Thank…
Light it up!
We are looking at light and dark in our science and will be using this to help with our writing! We had the chance to see what we could find out today using torches, translucent, coloured sheets and mirrors. We discovered that shadows get bigger when you move the object towards the light source, lights…
Fractions, fractions, fractions!
We used different equipment to show the fractions we knew as an introduction to our topic! There’s lots we already know and lots we will find out over the next few weeks. .
NSPCC Number Day -Friday 7th May 2021
We’re taking part in NSPCC Number Day! Dear Parents and Carers, We are delighted to be supporting the NSPCC by taking part in Number Day on Friday 7th May 2021. Everything the NSPCC does protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow. The NSPCC needs our support more than ever. By raising money, we can help…
Farewell to Mrs Twitchin
Dear Parents and Carers, We will sadly be saying goodbye to Mrs Twitchin today who works in our Kingfisher’s provision. She will be taking up a post at Mayfield School . Mrs Twitchin has worked with many children across the school, particularly in Nursery and Kingfisher’s. She has been an amazing part of our school…
No parking / road closure
Good morning all – just a quick reminder that the road is still closed outside of the school, from Headway Cross to Bishop Wilford. This means there is no parking available outside of the school, so please walk where possible.
Kites information
Dear Parents and Carers, Due to low numbers, we have made the decision to cancel Kites on a Friday for now. We require two members of staff to stay on site and with only one or two pupils signing up on a Friday, it is not viable for us continue at this point. Monday-Thursday will…
*Water leak – road closure*
Good morning all – you will have probably noticed the mains water leak outside of the school gates this morning. South West Water are now on site, but have advised us that they will be closing the road directly outside of the school for the rest of the day, possibly tomorrow (Friday) to fix the…
Updated Gov Guidance: Covid-19
Click the links below for to read the latest government guidance: What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during COVID-19 Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings for children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings…
Easter rewards afternoon
This week at Mill Lane, our children have been busy learning all about Easter and why it is celebrated. The children have worked incredibly hard to earn as many house points as possible to ensure that we could have our special rewards afternoon today. The children enjoyed spending time making cakes, creating bonnets, designing and…
Update 31/03/21
Dear Parents and Carers, A reminder that Thursday 1st April is a non-pupil day so that we can have our review day appointments. These are virtual and you will have been sent a link to attend and also a copy of your child’s report. If you do not have these, please contact the school office….
Test and Trace support payment
Test and Trace support payment – Now available for parents of children asked to isolate by education settings Parents and carers of children who have been advised to self-isolate by their education setting or by NHS Test and Trace are now able to apply for a Test and Trace Support Payment or discretionary payment of…
Consultation from Devon County Council
Dear Parents and Carers, Please see attached a consultation from Devon County Council to extend our current Kingfisher’s provision. This is an exciting opportunity to support more pupils in a nurture provision to meet their needs. We will know if we have been successful by the end of June/beginning of July. Any questions, please let…
Red Nose Day
Red Nose Day in year 5/6 was ‘super’! We came in dressed as superheroes, solved some funny riddles, made superhero masks and held a ‘nose n spoon’ race. It was a lot of fun.
Red Nose Day
The children and staff have enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day 2021. We dressed up as superhero’s, made superhero masks and took part in ‘nose and spoon’ races! We raised a total of £187 which we are very proud of. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our just giving page. If you would like…
Update 16/03/2021
Dear Parents and Carers, It has been a very busy but special week last week as we welcomed all of our pupils back together at TCS, Mill Lane. We have enjoyed seeing their smiles and enthusiasm and hearing their voices around school. We look forward to the rest of the school year with the whole…
Red Nose Day – 19 March 2021
The last 12 months have been incredibly tough for all of us, but we’re so proud of how our pupils have managed. As parents and carers, you’ve also had your lives turned upside down, and we’re so grateful for all of your efforts at home. We would like to celebrate this by being superheroes for…
Easter Holiday Club
Dear Parents & Guardians, With the Easter holidays approaching, Kinetic Sports Group is looking to run a holiday camp provision at Hazeldown Primary School. If you require this provision, please email kineticsportsgroupholidaycamp@gmail.com by Sunday 7th March before 6pm.
We take children aged 2 upwards and we welcome them to start at any point during the term. We can offer 30 hours free childcare. Visit our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/TCS-Mill-Lane-Nursery-549858872602522 It would be great if you could give us a like and share, as lots of people do not know that we…
Covid Testing
Dear Parents and Carers – please find two links below for more information about the DCC Community Testing Service and the NHS Home testing kits. DCC Community Test – please click here On-site testing is available from a range of locations delivered by the Devon County Council Community Testing Service. These must be booked in…
Data Collection Form – update your information here
Dear parents and carers – please complete the following online form if any of the data we hold about you may have changed, especially during the most recent lockdown.
Updated Government Guidance
Dear Parents/Carers – please see the latest guidance from the government, please click below: Protective measures for providers of community activities, holiday or after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school settings offering provision to children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Guidance for parents and Carers of children attending community activities, holiday or after-school clubs, tuition and…
Reopening on Friday 12th February
Dear Parents and Carers, I am very pleased to say that our boiler has been fixed and so we now have hot water and heating! We would like to welcome back Key Worker and Vulnerable families from Years 1-6 tomorrow. It was an absolute last resort to partially close the school as we are committed…
Partial School closure (Thursday 11th February 2021)
Dear Parents and Carers – it is with regret that we need to continue to stay closed tomorrow (Thursday 11th of February). Whilst the emergency works to our heating and hot water system were successful, the classrooms are still extremely cold and are taking a very long time to warm up after over 48 hours…
Partial School Closure (Wednesday 10th Feb)
Dear Parents and Carers – it is with regret that we need to continue to stay closed tomorrow from Years’ 1 to 6 for essential heating and hot water repairs. We will remain open to Early Years (Nursery and Reception) and Kingfishers. We will notify you by lunch time tomorrow regarding opening on Thursday. Learning…
Update from Mrs Thomas 04/02/2021
Dear Parents and Carers, Following the government announcement that schools would not be returning until at least the 8th March and some recent feedback I have been given, I am sending out a short survey regarding our remote learning offer that I would be grateful if you could complete. To access the survey, please visit…
Parent Governors
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in the parent governor elections, and to the nominees who kindly put themselves forward. Mill Lane received a total of 26 valid votes via the school app and it was extremely close with Rachel England receiving 12 votes and Sean Bromfield 14. This means that…
Results of Parent Governor Election
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in the parent governor elections, and to the nominees who kindly put themselves forward. Mill Lane received a total of 26 valid votes via the school app and it was extremely close with Rachel England receiving 12 votes and Sean Bromfield 14. This means that…
The #DevonVirtualGames has an exciting opportunity for all the family to get involved in a skipping challenge. If you don’t have a skipping rope at home, don’t worry we want to offer you an incentive to join the challenge. Click on the link below to receive a maximum of 2 free skipping ropes per family…
ICT with Mr P – how to use Seesaw
Here is a simple guide from ICT with Mr P on how to access SeeSaw. To access the Youtube video, click here.
Hardship Fund and latest Government guidance
Dear Parents/Carers – please find details of the Teignbridge District Council Hardship Fund, which has been created to fund residents of Teignbridge who are facing extreme hardship as a direct result of Covid-19. See details below: COVID Leaflet COVID 19 Factsheet Also, please find the latest government guidance by clicking here
Update 21/01/21
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that you are all well and settling into the ‘new normal’, whether that be at home completing remote learning with your children or continuing to come into school. We have around 27% of our usual school population attending daily who are key worker and vulnerable pupils. This number is…
Donation from Chamberlains Estate Agents
We were delighted to receive four brand new tablets this week, kindly donated by Chamberlains Estate Agents. Chamberlains have distributed tablets to over 21 schools within the local area that will help support children who have no access to the correct equipment to work from home remotely. It is a lovely gesture and we are…
Early Years Adopter
Dear Parents and Carers, Early Years – Early Years Adopter Status At the end of their Nursery year we assess your child and decide whether they are working at age related expectation. At the end of their Reception year we assess your child and decide if they have met a set of early learning goals…
Virtual Library
The Oak Academy has begun a Virtual School Library. Every week a popular children’s author or illustrator will provide free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads. Having access to a school library is really important for children. School libraries nurture a love of reading that can enrich children’s literacy skills, academic achievements…
Important Update 14/01/21
Dear Parents and Carers, As previously mentioned, I would write to you when I had more information regarding the release of the national voucher scheme. We have now been able to apply for these and they will be available from the 18th January for 4 weeks (not including half term). These are the same as…
Letter to Parents/Carers
Dear Parents and Carers, I am just writing to you with a few updates. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all that we have achieved together in the last week. What a difference a week makes! Thank you for your encouragement, your patience, your suggestions, your care, your thanks, your commitment and your…
Updated Covid Guidance for Parents/Carers
Dear Parents/Carers – please click the following links to read the latest government guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-for-parents-and-carers-of-children-attending-out-of-school-settings-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_source=cd60ea40-88d4-4002-bd05-8565b76068d3&utm_content=daily https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_source=31faca4b-814d-4606-947d-432ab6d24ea6&utm_content=daily https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_source=80396361-8641-4207-9c25-8ef0dd1ed9b8&utm_content=daily
Nursery Provision During Lockdown
Dear Parents and Carers, Further to the government announcement on Monday 4th January, the message is that Nursery provision is available to all children. If your child is booked in to attend the nursery, and you choose not to send them in, we are asking you to let us know. This will, however result in…
School/Covid update
Dear Parents and Carers, Happy new year to you all! I hope that you managed to have a relaxing Christmas despite the many changes that occurred. We apologise for the short notice that was given last night following the government announcement which is unfortunately unavoidable as we found out the changes at the same time…
Parent Governor Election – Mill Lane
5 January 2021 Dear Parent/Carer Governor Vacancies at TCS Mill Lane Following our previous request for interest I am now writing to invite you to vote for your choice of candidate to sit on the local governing body as the parent governor for Mill Lane. To help your decision there are short pen portraits from…
Merry Christmas from TCS Mill Lane!
Dear Parents and Carers – we are delighted to present our Christmas videos! The children (and staff!) have had great fun putting these together for you, so we hope you enjoy them. They are password protected with the password shared via SeeSaw for security purposes. KS1 and KS2 Click here to watch on vimeo Reception…
Year 5/6 Quest Day
On Friday 11th December, we had our Quest day in year 5/6 where we were invited to come in dressed up as a Victorian child. During the day, we experienced some of the things a Victorian child would have during their day at school such as drill, the three Rs, writing on slates and the…
Letter from Mrs Thomas
Dear Parents and Carers, Upcoming dates for your diary: From Wednesday 16th December Your child’s report will be sent to you via the app. If you do not have this downloaded, please contact the school office. Your child’s Christmas performance will be uploaded to the website. This will be password protected and we will send…
Outdoor Learning and PE after Christmas
Dear Parents/Carers – we will be changing the days of when children will be having PE and Outdoor Learning lessons after Christmas. Please see below:
House Colours Day and Rewards Day
Dear Parents and Carers Following the launch of our House system for rewards in school, I have the pleasure of informing you of two exciting events which will take place before the end of term. Firstly, the House who collects the most House Points over the half-term will win a ‘Colours Day’. This is where…
Free School Meals Holiday Voucher Scheme
Devon County Council have now released information on how you will be able to access the new COVID Winter Grant Scheme to buy food over the festive period. Parents and carers of children currently receiving benefit led free school meals will be sent a letter or email with information about how to access their vouchers…
Advent assembly
Today, we were very lucky to have a virtual visit from Jamie Redfern who is the minister at Teignmouth Baptist Church. Jamie led a special assembly for all children at Mill Lane, he talked about Advent and the importance of this celebration for Christians. We learned all about Advent being an important part of the…
Autumn Term update
Dear Parents and Carers, I am writing to give you an update on some events that we have coming up before the end of term. Firstly, the guidelines still state that we are unable to have parents on site and so the Review Day that is planned in for Friday 18th December this year will…
New School Lottery
New School Lottery here at Teignmouth Community School Mill Lane Our TCS Mill Lane Parent and Community Association (PACA) have set up a new school lottery scheme which will allow the school to generate funds towards new iPads for the children, and improve the school playground to make it more interactive, plus more! The lottery…
DCC leads £2 million bid to end holiday hunger
Dear parents/carers – please follow the link below for news on the latest government proposal to support children and families entitled to the benefit led Free School Meals programme. This will be a programme directed by Devon County Council, utilising resources such as local cafe’s, community kitchens and other local charities, instead of the previous…
Governor Vacancies
Dear Parent/Carer Governor Vacancies at TCS I would like to advertise that the Local Governing Body for TCS Exeter Road and Mill Lane currently have vacancies for up to two Parent Governors. This is a challenging but ultimately very rewarding volunteer role that provides a valuable contribution to our school community. If you, or someone…
Nursery place available
We still have places in our Nursery, do not miss out! Is your child going to be starting school in September 2021? If so, why not start them at our Nursery. It is a great opportunity for them to make friends and to become familiar with the adults and the school setting ahead of them…
Speed of light
We had a beautiful day for Mrs. Dudley’s class’s outdoor learning session this week. We talked about the speed of light and the speed of sound – it’s amazing how much faster light is! Light travels at 670,616,629mph while sound is a snail-like 761mph. We saw this difference in action by sending some children onto…
Home learning in KS2
Now the children have had time to settle into their new classes, we would like to re-introduce the expectations of home learning. Home learning is an important part of a child’s school life as it can help consolidate learning that has happened in the school day, provide the opportunity to build the child’s independence and…
Home Learning in the Early Years
Play, talk and read with your child. The help that you give your child at home has a significant impact on their learning. It is so important for parents/carers and early years settings to have a strong and respectful partnership. You can help by communicating regularly with us about your child’s achievements and progress at…
Home learning in Key Stage 1
Now the children have had time to settle into their new classes, we would like to re-introduce the expectations of home learning. Home learning is an important part of a child’s school life as it can help consolidate learning that has happened in the school day, provide the opportunity to build the child’s independence and…
Odd Socks Day – 16/11/20
To donate, visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserPage.action?userUrl=AntiBullyingAlliance&faId=142250&isTeam=false
COVID-19 Hardship Fund
Dear all – Teignbridge District Council have formed a partnership with Devon County Council to offer a Local Hardship Fund to support those whose financial situation has been affected by the current pandemic, to support with basic essentials for their household. To find out if you may be eligible, please visit https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19/funding-support/covid-19-hardship-fund/ . Further information…
Dear parents and carers – I am sure you will have all seen the amazing work and effort by Manchester United and England footballer, Marcus Rashford. Marcus has challenged the governments policy to not fund free school meals during October half term. Since his call to the public asking for support, thousands of local traders…
Tempest Photography (Reminder)
*REMINDER* Tempest Photography will be in school tomorrow morning to take photographs of children in Reception, Year 2, 4 and 6. We will take appropriate Covid measures to ensure the morning runs successfully. Your child will return home with their photograph order form. All orders must be completed online direct with Tempest.
Year 2 Phonics check
Dear Parents and Carers, All children in year one across the country take part in a phonics screening check during June. However, due to COVID 19 your child’s phonics screening check was cancelled. In the 2020/21 academic year only, it is statutory for schools to administer a past version of the phonics screening check to…
Autumn Term 2 Dinner Menu
Dear Parents/Carers – please find the menu choices for school dinners after half term, below: Monday: Sausages and Mash Potato (Veggie Sausages available) Tuesday: Pizza with Herby Potatoes (Veggie Pizza available) Wednesday: Roast of the day (Veggie Pie available) Thursday: Chicken Wrap with Rice and Veg (Vegetable wraps available) Friday: Fish and Chips A Jacket Potato with various fillings…
Healthy Living Week
Dear Parents and Carers During the second half of the summer term we would have usually held our Healthy Living Week. Children from Nursery up to Year 6 have a week of lessons covering various aspects of Health, Relationships and Sex Education. This year, with many of our children not attending, we made the decision…
Wet weather plan – drop off/pick up
Good morning all – with the wet weather looking increasingly likely, please see below for details of our wet weather plan for morning drop off and afternoon collection. Drop off – as normal Pick ups – Nursery and Reception will need to be collected from the Nursery/Reception entrance Year 1 and Year 2 to be…
Return of hot school dinners
Dear Parents and Carers, Hot school dinners are now back which is great news for our children. We will be following a limited menu which can be seen below. Please can I remind you that payment must be made using School Money. If you cannot access School Money, please let us know. Mondays – Chicken…
School day – start/end times
Dear Parents/Carers – here is a reminder of the new start/end times which began today (28/09/20). Please stick to these times unless prior agreements with the school has taken place.
Home School Agreement
Please click here to download our updated version of the Home School Agreement.
New class information
Dear Parents and Carers, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you! You have been wonderful in working with our new arrangements for drop off and pick up, and bearing with us whilst we make slight adjustments each day. Schools haven’t been in this position before and despite weeks of…
Current School Dinner Options
Dear all – whilst we look at ways to be able to offer hot school dinners in a safe manner, please see our current options for school packed lunches: Monday – Sandwiches (choice of Cheese, Ham or Tuna) Tuesday – Wrap (choice of Cheese, Ham or Tuna) Wednesday – Sausage Roll (Meat or Vegetarian option)…
Social distancing reminder
Dear Parents and Carers – can we please remind you to ensure you are keeping to social distancing guidelines before arriving and leaving our school premises. We want to ensure everyone within our school community is kept safe at all times. Thank you to everyone who has adhered to our new systems in place, during…
Year 6 residential: cancelled
Dear parent/carer, I am writing to let you know that, unfortunately, the planned Year 6 residential will not be able to go ahead. This is obviously due to the Coronavirus pandemic; children need to remain in their bubbles and working with outside providers is currently not permitted. The residential centre itself is, of course, also…
Drop off/Collection times
Good morning all – it is fantastic to see our school full of children once again, after a very different Spring and Summer term. Please can we take the opportunity to remind you of our current drop off and collection times:
Return To School Risk Assessment
Please click here to download a copy of our updated September return to school risk assessment.
Nursery places still available
Dear Parents/Carers, Did you know that we have a Nursery and that we take children from 2 years old? Here at Mill Lane we offer pre-school education for children aged 2-4 years. We provide morning, afternoons or all-day sessions during term-time. Our Nursery is led by a fully qualified teacher who is supported by our…
Flu Vaccination
A message from the Virgin Healthcare team: Dear Parents/guardians, Your child is due to be in Reception to Year 6 from September 2020 and they are therefore eligible for a Free Nasal Childhood Flu Vaccination. It is anticipated that this will be delivered in schools between October 2020 to December 2020, this will be administered…
Year 6 Leavers’ Hoodies
Please remember that the year 6 leavers’ hoodies are available to collect on Friday 10th July between 9.30am and 12 pm from the front of the school.
Devon Virtual Games – Challenge 6, The Andy Murray 100 Volley Challenge, now live!
The Devon Summer Games is a big event in the summer term where children from Devon go and compete in a wide range of events against other schools. This year, the competition has been adapted to 6 virtual events so Devon’s schoolchildren will still be able to take part in the popular School Games this…
Sun protection
Good morning – just a quick reminder to ensure your child is sent into school with appropriate sun protection, which includes both sun cream and a hat. Please also provide your child with a drinks bottle. Many thanks
SeeSaw codes
Dear Parents and Carers, From tomorrow, if your child has signed out of SeeSaw, they will be unable to use their current code to sign back in. For those children in school, we will circulate new codes to them tomorrow. For those not in school, please email Mrs Woodward on rachael.woodward@teignmouthschool.co.uk and she will be…
Returning to school
Dear parents and carers, We are proud to inform you that over the past few weeks we have safely managed to welcome back 35% of our school population following government guidelines. That’s above the National average of 11% and the Devon average of 23%. However, we are now at a point where we are reaching…
Government advice for Parents/Carers
Please click here to view the latest government advice for parents/carers regarding the opening of schools.
Review Day
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that you are all keeping safe and well. This is a reminder that we have a Review Day booked in on Friday 10th July. This will not be able to happen as it usually does during Covid-19 as we cannot have parents on site. We will be sending home…
Healthy Living Week
Dear Year 6 Parent/Carer In normal circumstances, during this half term, we hold our Healthy Living Week where we would be delivering our age-appropriate sex and relationship education lessons to all the children across the school. Whilst as a whole school, we are unable to do this as normal, and have plans to ensure all…
Health, Relationships and Sex Education
Dear Parents and Carers, During the second half of the summer term we usually hold our Healthy Living Week. Children from nursery up to year 6 have a week of lessons covering various aspects of Health, Relationships and Sex Education. This year, with many of our children not attending, we have made the decision to…
Friday Collection Timings
Dear all – here is a reminder of the early finish times that will take place every Friday until further notice. For those children accessing our Key Worker/Vulnerable groups, you are now welcome to join us full time. Some parents are currently using the group for childcare whilst working part-time, but this provision is available…
Devon Virtual Games – Challenge 2 now live!
The Devon Summer Games is a big event in the summer term where children from Devon go and compete in a wide range of events against other schools. This year, the competition has been adapted to 6 virtual events so Devon’s schoolchildren will still be able to take part in the popular School Games this…
Take Part in the #DevonVirtualGames and Compete Against Schools Across Devon
The Devon Summer Games is a big event in the summer term where children from Devon go and compete in a wide range of events against other schools. This year, the competition has been adapted to 6 virtual events so Devon’s schoolchildren will still be able to take part in the popular School Games this…
Home Learning Guidance
Dear parents, Please see the link below for some guidance to support you with your children’s learning at this time. I appreciate that this is a challenging time for you all and we hope that we can continue to support you as much as possible. Please remember we are at the end of a phone…
Internet Safety During Lockdown
Online Safety During this difficult time, we are spending more time indoors and more time on the internet. It is important that you are staying safe and connected with your family, friends and loved ones so here are 5 quick tips to remind you how to keep safe. Check your security and privacy settings: Adjust…
Virtual Hugs!
We know how difficult it can be at the moment not seeing some of our relatives and being able to give them a big squeeze. So this week, some of the children made ‘virtual hugs’ that they can send to their relatives to ‘hug’ whenever they want one. We drew around our bodies, cut out…
Year 6 Transition
Dear Parent/Carer, Although it is still unclear to us all when schools will reopen, we do need to continue planning for the year 6s transition to secondary school as usual. As part of the transition to TCS Exeter Road, we are asked to suggest possible groups of children who may work well in the same…
Update from Mrs Thomas
Hi everyone, I hope that you are well. Just a reminder that we are moving over to using the free school meal vouchers so we can no longer provide meals on site. If your child is still attending school, please ensure they bring a packed lunch with them. Thank you for all of your support…
Rainbow Birds for Louisa Cary Ward
The children have created rainbow birds after a nature walk into the woodland area at school. These were then sent to the new Louisa Cary children’s ward at Torbay hospital to brighten up their walls.
Thank you NHS
Our children have been busy in school this week. One activity involved the children creating this lovely rainbow collage on our hall doors.
Additional Links for Remote Learning
Numeracy https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/grownups/help-your-child-with-maths https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/schemes-of-learning/reception-sol/ https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/schemes-of-learning/primary-sols/ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/teddy-numbers https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ https://www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/blog/learning-home-packs/ https://nrich.maths.org/14600 https://nrich.maths.org/9086 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/maths/ https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular Phonics https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/ Literacy https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ https://www.literacyshedplus.com/browse/free-resources https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize https://www.pobble365.com/ https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/ https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/spelling-bee/ Science https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science PE We are a member of the The Dartmoor School Sports Partnership, and they have produced the video and Bunny Hop challenge below for our children:…
Accelerated Reader
Dear Parents/Carers, As the period of schools remaining closed continues and looks set to continue for some time, we have been is discussion with our AR provider and have had the restrictions lifted so that pupils are able to access AR and quiz at home. Pupils should know their username and login but if they…
Online safety during lockdown
cco-childrens-digital-safety-wellbeing-kitcco-parents-digital-safety-wellbeing-kit Please follow the links on guidance on how to stay safe online during the lockdown. One set of guidance is for children and one for parents. As we are all spending more time online during the lockdown as a way to stay connected, let’s also make sure we are being safe.
Mental Health during lockdown
EH4MH_10_a_day_poster (2) During this difficult time it is important that we look after our mental health. Teachers will be sharing the ways in which they take care of themselves with their classes. Please take a look at the poster and find ways in which you can take care of your mental health every day. Please…
Spring Term Reports
Dear Parents/Carers – we have now printed our Spring Term reports that are enveloped and ready to post home. With the current strains on the postal system, we have decided to keep hold of these for the time being but will post them out to you once the postal system recovers. We hope you are…
Life is better when we read…
Running out of reading books? No longer a problem – thanks to Renaissance learning, providers of Accelerated Reader – who are currently giving access to over 700 full text online books both fiction and non-fiction. The books cover a whole range of topics including science, maths, literacy, sport, hobbies, animals and different fiction genres plus…
Sharing this term’s home learning.
It was a very funny week at school and not everyone was in but we still wanted to share the fantastic home learning in Home Discovery Journals that had been completed and returned for this half term. Some of the effort that goes in to these tasks is remarkable. Well done to everyone that completed it…
Experimenting with microbes!
In science, we have been learning about microorganisms: how they are classified, how they can be helpful and how they can be harmful to us. One investigation we did was to see which conditions were preferable for yeast (a type of fungi). We added yeast and sugar to hot water, warm water and cold water….
Childcare Provision for Key Workers
Dear Parents and Carers, This information is taken directly from the DfE website. Please read it carefully to see if you qualify as a key worker according to their criteria. Please complete the form on at the bottom of this page so we can easily collate the numbers and prioritise provision. Thank you to those…
Mr Baxter’s class toasting marshmallows – again!
Year 3 enjoyed toasting marshmallows on a chilly spring afternoon. That’s twice this term!
Miss Langdown’s class in the woods
Miss Langdown’s class had a lovely time in the woods. The sun was shining, the spring flowers are out and the leaves are in bud. We have been talking about different materials in our outdoor science and we have decided that wood is the best material for bug hotels. It’s natural, it rots into the…
Attract or Repel
This week we have continued the science theme and started to look at magnets. We explored items that were or weren’t magnetic in the classroom. One thing that surprised us was when we tested some coins. Most coins were magnetic, but a £1 coin was not magnetic! We also looked at which poles attracted and…
Miss Gobel’s class in the garden
Now that spring is here and it’s stopped raining, we need to get our garden ready for planting. Miss Gobel’s class worked hard at turning over the soil in our raised beds. We should be able to start planting next week.
Reception in the woods
The reception children had a lovely time exploring the woods. They have changed a lot since we were last down here just over 2 weeks ago – there are even more flowers, the blossom is starting to come out and there are leaves on lots of the trees. We found some interesting fungi on a…
Miss Sowden’s class in the garden
Year 3 enjoyed working in the garden. Spring is here and we need to get the garden ready for planting. The children did a great job of weeding and digging over our raised beds.
Year 6 Run for Sport Relief
On Friday, It was Sport Relief and we came in dressed in our sports kits. In the morning, we went out and took part in a run around the playground. Thank you to all those that brought in a donation to the charity.
Year 6 STEM Week
For STEM Week, we were given a secret question to reveal and investigate. Our question was: “What is living on our hands?” To investigate this, we first set up an experiment where we exposed slices of bread to different things: hands washed in soap and water, hands washed with sanitiser only, unwashed hands and an…
Talking about time in Reception
The children have been finding out how many cubes they could collect in one minute. They have used a weather game to explore the changing seasons and they have used clocks and watches to set o’clock times.
Year 4 outdoors
Year 4 made the most of a chilly and windy afternoon at outdoor learning. They made dens, balanced on the slackline, and sawed up a log. This was harder work than it looked and needed real resilience. We’re using the log as a musical instrument and as a science experiment. The class predict that the…
Year 2 in the garden
Spring is finally coming and Year 2 (Mrs Sandercock’s class) enjoyed some work in the garden. We cleared some weeds from the beds and the paths, getting ready for some planting soon.
Statistically Speaking
In our class this week, we have looked at statistics and data and how we can present them. We started with pictograms and made our own real life pictogram showing which app is our favourite.
STEM Week experiment!
As part of STEM week, each class had a question to answer. We had to reveal the question using some magic potion and a paint brush and it linked to the national topic of ‘Our Diverse World’. Our class question was: ‘What material makes the best coat for Antarctica?’ We set up an experiment using…
Sport Relief
Wow! What a busy week it was! On Friday, we celebrated Sport Relief by wearing sporty clothes and donating money. Thanks to all those who donated – we looked at some of the things the money may go towards and we went out and did 10 minutes of activity. Here we are playing one of…
Test news post with notification
This is a test news post with a notification – it is only set to go to a test category – which no one else except me will have access to. Could you let me know by email when the post gets approved so I can see if the notification sends? many thanks…
What is living on our hands? Year 5/6 STEM project
For STEM week, we have been investigating the question- What is living on our hands? For the first experiment we conducted, we placed a slice of bread under different conditions and are currently observing the different levels of bacteria growing on them. For the second experiment, we covered our hands in paint and washed them…
Gymnastics tournament
On Tuesday 3rd March, two teams took part in a gymnastics tournament at TCS Exeter Road. The teams performed a set routine and a straight jump from a vault. The teams did well and came 3rd in their group.
World Book Day in Year 6
We had some brilliant World Book Day costumes in year 6 and some great entries into the wooden spoon book character competition. Well done to everyone that took part. During the day, we enjoyed a ‘drop everything and read (DEAR)’ and drawing book covers of our favourite books.
Parent App
Dear Parents and Carers, I am writing to update you with reference to our school website and parent app. I hope that you are enjoying seeing your children’s learning and the new content that we have uploaded about our school. The website has been designed to allow parents/carers to access school news and information easily…
Year 4 Computing and Science
After learning what causes sound and how it travels to the ear, year 4 explored various places in the school to investigate sound levels. The girls made recordings of a PE lesson and even of themselves screaming while the boys measured whether the library was quiet enough!
Miss Sowden’s class making pancakes
Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed pancakes and spring sunshine in outdoor learning. The pancakes were delicious with either honey and lemon or jam and it was lovely to feel spring finally coming.
Year 5 making pancakes
Although we are nearly a week late for Shrove Tuesday, year 5 enjoyed making and eating pancakes on the fire. We discussed how heating the batter changes it from a liquid to a solid, which isn’t what we normally expect when we heat something. We also agreed that cooking the pancake was an irreversible change…
Miss Powley’s class on the slackline
Miss Powley’s class made the most of a wet and windy day by practising their skills on the slackline. Everyone showed resilience and respect for each other. Everyone got better and better at balancing – well done!
Ready, Steady, Fire!
This week, we have been finishing off our DT. We have been making catapults using wood, card, foam, straws, PVA glue and tack pins. (Miss Sowden may also have helped us a little with a glue gun!) We had to measure the wood accurately, cut each piece carefully and then construct our catapults. We used…
Advice on the Coronavirus
Further information and advice from Devon County Council can be found here
Year 2 Quest Day
Year 2 enjoyed being dinosaurs and dinosaur explorers for the day. The children posed the question: ‘Where do dinosaurs come from?’ We used a variety of different sources such as the internet and books to find out the answer. This is what we found out. We also made our own fossils, moving dinosaurs…
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday 11th of February, the whole school collectively worked on creating internet safety posters. The parents were invited in to discuss how to be safe on the internet. We hope this is a starting point to raise awareness of the impact the internet can have on individuals and making sure we use it in…
Sharing Home Discovery Journals in Year 6
Year 6 enjoyed sharing their home learning (from our topic, ‘Hola Mexico!’) with each other at the end of the term. There was some fantastic things to share including recipes they’d tried at home, art work, creative writing and historical research. Well done to everyone who worked hard on their Home Discovery Journals this half…
Blood Smoothies!
Year 6 have been learning about the heart and circulatory system in science. To find out more about blood and the different components it is made up of, we made some blood smoothies! The raspberries represented the red blood cells, the marshmallows were the white blood cells, some sprinkles were added to represent platelets and…
Year 2 Fire Safety Talk
The children in year 2 have been visited by the local Fire Safety Education Officers from Devon Fire Service. They spoke to us about how to make a 999 call and what information we would need to share with the telephone operator. The children explored the safety clothing firemen wear and why…
Signs of Spring with Reception
Reception visited the woods to look for signs of spring. We found lots of flowers: daffodils, primrose, snowdrops, celandine, hellebores, violets and more. We also found catkins on the hazel trees – although they are nearly finished now – as well as leaves beginning to emerge from their buds. We heard birds singing and saw…
Pancakes with year 6
Year 6 braved the wind and cold to make some pancakes over the fire on Ash Wednesday – a day late but they were still delicious. We were too busy cooking or eating to take too many pictures, Connie and Ella were so cold that they used every spare coat they could find! …
Year 2 Home Learning
Planet Dinosaur Home Learning. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their home learning this half term. They have been exploring dinosaur habitats, fact files about dinosaurs and stories from the Stone Age. We have a wonderful display of habitat in the classroom and the children enjoyed sharing the work they had completed in their books.
Year 4: Design & Technology
Before mummifying their pharaohs, ancient Egyptians would remove organs from the body in order to maximise preservation of the body. For DT, we designed the canopic jars in which they used to store them. The children loved spending the day showing off their fine motor skills and artistic flair.
Year 6 gymnastics festival
On Tuesday4th February, Mrs Dudley’s class went to a gym festival at the Exeter Road sports hall. While there they got to try out a variety of gym activities. It was lovely to mix with pupils from other local primary schools. The real treat for the class was having some time on the trampolines.
Mrs Dudley’s class on the slack line
Mrs Dudley’s class had fun on the slack line and built some great dens during outdoor learning.
3 Little Pigs in Reception
We have been using the story of The Three Little Pigs as a starting point for our learning. We retold the tale using telephone calls, a story map and puppets; we made piglet houses and used a variety of materials to make pigs and the big bad wolf.Using construction kits we planned and made vehicles…
Parent Forum Feedback | February 2020
Please find below the minutes of our Parent Forum meeting, held last week. Many thanks to the three parents who attended but we would love to see more parents at the next meetings, which will take place half-termly (next meeting date tbc). The parent forum meetings are a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns…
NSPCC Number Day
On Friday, it was Number Day. Thank you to anyone who donated some money towards the NSPCC. Each class had the chance to visit the big numbers in our corridor and write on them why a number was important or special to them. For example, they may choose ‘2’ and say that 2 is the…
How Long?
This week, we have started our unit of ‘length’. We have used this opportunity to do some practical tasks using a range of measuring equipment. We have looked at which equipment is most effective for longer or shorter distances and used both the classroom and outside spaces to practise our skills.
Miss Gobel’s class kite flying
Miss Gobel’s class showed resilience, independence and responsibility whilst flying our kite. It was fun but harder than it looks!
Mr Baxter’s class using flints and steels.
Mr Baxter’s class showed lots of resilience and responsibility when using flints and steels to start fires. It’s harder than it looks and took a lot of hard work. Everyone succeeded, which was great. The children supported each other really well to make sure that they all go there in the end.
Miss Discombe’s class toasting marshmallows
Miss Discombe’s class showed responsibility and resilience when toasting marshmallows. They were lovely on a cold February morning. The fire kept some hands warm too.
Year 3 – Quest Day
During our Quest Day, we designed our own shields, researched about how the Romans battled and then we had a battle against Miss Sowden’s using the different techniques we researched about. The children throughly enjoyed this part of the day.
Rewards system – exciting revamp!
Having listened to parent, pupil and teacher views, we are planning an exciting revamp to our rewards system at school. As part of this, we are going to be moving to a house system. We feel it is important that the children are involved in naming the houses, therefore we are asking for them to…
Pyramids & Pharaohs Quest Day
For our ‘Pyramids & Pharaohs’ Quest Day, we had fun dressing up as Egyptian characters. There were gods, mummies, pharaohs, archaeologists and landowners. We loved mummifying tomatoes, which we did by mixing salt and bicarbonate of soda together to make our own natron. We then covered and stuffed the tomatoes to preserve them, just like…
Miss Gobel’s class using flints and steels
Miss Gobel’s class showed real resilience and responsibility when lighting fires with flints and steels. It was a wet, windy day and it’s not an easy job in any weather.
Mr Baxter’s year 3 class enjoying marshmallows
Mr Baxter’s class showed responsibility when toasting marshmallows around the fire on a chilly afternoon. They were lovely!
Roaming Romans Quest Day
On Thursday 30th January, Miss Sowden’s classroom was invaded by an army of Romans! They had a lovely day making shields, designing mosaics and creating some great pictures using a green screen app. They also had the chance to learn a little Latin and look at Roman numerals, before making a clock! The day ended…
Year 5 hot chocolate and levers
Year 5 enjoyed hot chocolate around the fire on a chilly January morning. They also learned a little about how levers can help us to move heavy weights.
Year 5 lighting fires
Year 5 are learning how to light their own fires, which needs a lot of responsibility. We started by lighting cotton wool using flints and steels. It was much harder than it looked and took real resilience. Everybody managed, which was great.
Year 2 toasting marshmallows
Year 2 showed responsibility and resilience when toasting marshmallows over a hot fire. They tasted good!
Year 3 in the woods
Year 3 enjoyed exploring the woods on a cold winter’s day. We found some signs that spring is coming though – bluebell shoots, daffodil shoots and hazel catkins.
Miss Powley’s class making magic wands
Miss Powley’s class had a lot of fun using peelers to make magic wands from willow twigs. We had all sorts of lengths, thicknesses and styles. One even had a unicorn hair and moon tear essence in it!
Helping Harold
On Wednesday, Miss Sowden’s class went to a special outdoor classroom for a session all about the brain. We met Harold the giraffe and had to learn all about the brain, what it does and how it helps us. This helped us to be able to help out Harold who had a problem with one…
Money, money, money!
Over the last two weeks, we have been working with money in Miss Sowden’s class. We have found different ways of making the same amount of money, and worked out what the most and least amount of coins are needed. We are problem solving this week, thinking about giving change and adding and subtracting amounts…
Year 6 Geography
In year 6, we have been learning the difference between human and physical geography as part of our ‘Hola Mexico!’ topic. In groups, we had a go at sorting pictures of Mexico and the UK into whether they were showing the human or physical geography of the country. We had to work together collaboratively to…
Year 6 Outdoor Learning
Year 6 made the most of a bit of sunshine in outdoor learning this week. They stripped willow for wreath making, made dens, practised knots and pretended to abseil, made a shop, moved leaf mulch to our new mulching cage and lots more. We also made some links with the science that the class are…
Parliament Assembly
Today, Tomas Williams, the senior education and engagement officer from UK Parliament, came to lead our KS2 assembly. Tomas spoke to the children about what Parliament is, where it is, how it is run and how Parliament, and the decisions made there, affect all of us. It was lovely to hear so many of our…
A Squash and a Squeeze
In Reception, the children have been retelling the story, ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. They have drawn pictures, written labels and captions and played matching games. In number, the children have been adding one more to a set using a range of props and counting materials.
Year 4 having New Year fun!
Year 4 made the most of a wet January afternoon during their first outdoor learning session of 2020. They made dens, pretended to abseil, stripped willow from branches using secateurs (we will use the willow for wreaths or for cuttings) and set up the ‘Milk and Cookies’ restaurant. They showed independence, resilience, responsibility, curiosity, honesty…
Recycle to support Dartmoor Zoo
We are collecting empty sweet and chocolate tubs for recycling. Devon County Waste will recycle the tubs and donate the profits to Dartmoor Zoo. Please give your tubs to your child or bring them into the school office and support a worthy cause.
Childline has launched Calm Zone
Calm Zone is an online hub of calming techniques and resources for young people to help them feel better when they feel anxious, scared or sad. Take a look and see if you think any of the activities or games could help your child. https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/
Year 6 Victorian Quest Day
For our Quest Day this term, year 6 wanted to experience what it may have been like for a Victorian child at school. They came in dressed up in Victorian costume. First, they chose a traditional Victorian name to be called for the day. In outdoor learning, they had their hands inspected and took part…
Victorian Samplers
In design technology, Mrs Dudley’s class have looked at Victorian samplers. We have practised different embroidery stitches: running stitch, satin stitch, back stitch and cross stitch. We have designed our own samplers and now we are busy creating them. We have been extremely resilient – especially when we have got ourselves knotted up!
Parents’ Reading Workshop.
On Thursday 5th December, we invited parents into school for a reading workshop. We shared how we teach guided reading from years 2-6, the whole-class guided reading model. Parents were then invited into class to work alongside their child/children to see reading in action. A great morning was had by all and this some of…
Mr Baxter’s Quest Day – Fantastica!
For this term’s Quest Day, Mr Baxter’s class made famous Italian landmarks out of cardboard boxes, researched about lots of different things in Italy, created Mona Lisa paintings and cooked healthy pizzas.
Miss Sowden’s Quest Day…Fantastica!
On Tuesday last week, Miss Sowden’s class had their Quest Day for this half term. The children wanted to make pizzas, learn some Italian, do some art, make an Italian landmark and continue some research all about Italy. We began by making our pizzas and taking them down to outdoor learning to cook and eat….
Sharing Reading
In year 5/6, we have been working hard on our reading skills. One of our objectives is all about reading for pleasure and reading to an audience. As a class, we went down to share some of our favourite stories with the nursery children. The children from both classes really enjoyed the afternoon and there…
Recommended Reading Lists
It was discussed at the recent Parent Forum that it would be useful to have a list of good quality texts for parents to read with their children at home. Please find below 100 great reads for each reading age. 100 Books – KS1 100 Books – Years 3 and 4 100 Books – Years…
Letters and numbers
In Reception, the children have been learning how to form their letters correctly, starting at the right place and moving in the right direction. They have been learning to find and place missing numbers.
100% Attendance – Autumn Term 2019
Pupils celebrating 100% attendance for the autumn term were presented with a free disco ticket and goodie bag in assembly this morning. 86 pupils from across the school received this award. Well done!
Parent Forum Feedback.
Many thanks to the parents who came along and attended the first Parent Forum here at Mill Lane. Our agenda was curriculum and rewards and behaviour, and there was loads of fantastic discussion shared around what we are currently doing and then helpful feedback about how we can continue to improve these areas. These will…
12 Online Safety Tips
Christmas is coming and you may be thinking of buying a smartphone or tablet for your child. Here are 12 top tips to share with your child to keep them safe using their new devices. You can find further information and tips on staying safe online by visiting our online safety page. (Click image to…
Re-creating the Great Fire of London
As part of Quest Day, Mrs Sandercock’s class designed and created their own Tudor houses. The children explored the features of the houses and re-created them using paper and cereal boxes. The children posed the question: why did the fire spread so quickly? We took our houses down to the outdoor learning area and with…
December Drop Everything and Read
The children and teachers brought in books to share yesterday for DEAR Day (Drop Everything and Read). There was a wide range of books read and shared: something for everyone!!
Hot Chocolate on a Cold Day!
During outdoor learning, Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed hot chocolate and marshmallows on a sunny but cold December morning. How lovely!
Year 5 Flying the Airship
Mr. Correy’s class had fun flying the solar airship on a cold but sunny day. We talked about why it flies: the material is black, so it heats up very quickly. This heats up the air inside and the hot air rises, making the airship rise with it. Also, the material is very thin –…
Skittles Fractions
This week in maths, Miss Sowden’s class have been starting to think about fractions. We have been using our knowledge of division and bar models to work out fractions of amounts. We also used skittles to show fractions of amounts. We worked really hard and showed a good understanding of this. It was very tempting…
Maths Play
Learning isn’t all work: year 4 took a break from calculation methods to play some maths games; in particular, ‘Boxes’, where children increase their concept of space, skills of anticipation and strategic thinking ability.
William Morris inspired art
As part of their topic on the Victorians this half term, Year 6 have started to look at the art of William Morris. “We noticed how he was clearly inspired by nature and how his wallpaper designs show repeated patterns whether they are reflected, translated or rotated. We had a go at choosing a part…
Toasted Marshmallows
Last week, Miss Powley’s class enjoyed toasting marshmallows and sitting around the fire on a cold November day!
Sweet Maths
The children in Mr Baxter’s class have been using sweets to create fractions and show fractions of numbers in maths.
Year 5 and 6 netball tournament
On Wednesday 20th November, two teams from years 5 & 6 took part in the netball tournament at Exeter Road. Both teams played well in games against other local primaries. They showed good teamwork and were very positive throughout. The A team were proud to achieve 3rd place in the tournament.
Investigating Gravity
This week in science, the children in Miss Gobel’s class have been working on their ‘working scientifically’ skills They spent the lesson investigating gravity and how unsupported things will fall to the ground, whereas supported objects do not.
Kids Against Plastic – Hall of Fame
In school, we are trying to encourage children to reduce plastic waste to help the environment. These are some suggestions: use a refillable bottle, replace plastic straws with metal ones, take reusable bags when shopping or pick up some litter at the beach. We would love you to take photos of your children doing some…
Leaf Art
On a very wet Friday afternoon, year 2 enjoyed making Andy Goldsworthy style leaf art in the dry, warm classroom. We got a bit wet collecting the leaves though!
Peacock Butterfly
While moving some firewood, Year 6 (Mrs. Dudley’s class) found this peacock butterfly. We thought it had just emerged from its cocoon but after looking it up in a wildlife guide, it is more likely that we disturbed it during hibernation. After staying still for about 5 minutes, It flapped its wings and shook itself…
Lantern Parade
Some of the nursery children and their families joined in the Lantern Parade for the Christmas light switch on in Teignmouth. The children had helped to make the lantern that we had. We had made a rocket which linked to the theme of transport.
Exploring Light and Shadows
Science in year 6 has been all about light, shadows and how we see. The children have explored how the shadow changes depending on whether the object creating it is opaque, translucent or transparent. They have looked at how the shape of the shadow is caused by the object creating it and investigated how to…
Poetry Monsters Competition
Children from across our key stage 2 were given the opportunity to enter a poetry competition with Young Writers. They had to write a poem about monsters. We have had some of our entries picked to be published in the Young Writers’ poetry book. Well Done!
Solar Airship
Year 1 had lots of fun with our solar airship. It needs a still, sunny day to fly and Monday last week was perfect. The sun heats up the black skin (which is as thin as a human hair) and this heats up the air inside. The warm air makes the airship rise – it…
Delicious Hot Chocolate
Miss Sowden’s class enjoyed hot chocolate around the fire on a chilly November morning.
Hungry Home Learning
Mr Paine is already beginning to see some fantastic home learning coming through during the second half of the autumn term, including this very impressive ‘Mountainscape Cake.’ Both informative and delicious!
Science – Earth, sun and moon
Mr Correy’s class made models of the Earth, sun and moon to help them understand how they move in relation to each other. One pupil explained how they move by saying, “The Earth orbits the sun and it takes 365 ¼ days (a.k.a. 1 year). The moon orbits Earth and it takes 28 days.”
Bus Stop Division
Mr Paine’s class got to grips with some tricky maths using Dienes to help visualise the calculations. It was great fun to do some hands-on numeracy learning.
Children in Need 2019
On Friday 15th November, we took part in a variety of fundraising activities across all classes to raise money for BBC Children in Need. We raised a whopping £1020.21! Bake Sale The children in Miss Powley’s class chose to hold a bake sale. We used icing, chocolate buttons, sweets and sprinkles to decorate our cakes…
Odd Socks Day
On Tuesday, we had Odd Socks Day to celebrate that everyone is different and unique. In Miss Sowden’s class, we talked about accepting those differences and how we could help if someone was having a tough day. Here are some of the posters that we made.
Friendship Week
On Tuesday 12th November, the children wore odd socks to school to support Anti-Bullying Week, or as we like to name it, Friendship Week. The children donated money for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. In class, the children were learning about how to identify bullying as opposed to teasing, how to deal with bullying, who you can…
States of Matter
Year 4 looked at states of matter in outdoor learning. We talked about the three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas – and discussed that we saw water in all three states. Last week, we had talked about the steam that came from the kettle. We then predicted whether a solid (chocolate) would…
Autumn Colour Spotting
Reception enjoyed exploring the woods and looking for autumn leaves in lots of colours. We arranged them by colour – how many colours can you see?
Labelling a set.
This week in Reception, the children have been using numbers to label a set. Some children counted poppies and found a numeral to match and some children used animal cards and wrote their own numerals.
Fabulous Attendance!
Our attendance for the first half term of this academic year was 96.45%. The Devon target is 96.1%, so this is a fantastic achievement. Congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work getting to school and arriving on time.
Friendship Box
During this week, Mr Baxter’s class have looked at how to be a good friend to others and think about how they can respond to certain situations. The class have come up with an idea where if someone displays an act of kindness to another member of the class, or in the school, they will…
Science in outdoor learning
Year 3 (Mr Baxter’s Class) have been investigating what plants need to grow. We looked at the experiment that we set up last week. First, we checked our control pot – that one had everything: soil, water, sun, air and warmth. This was to check if the seeds would grow with all the conditions met….
Remembrance Day Poem
On Monday the 11th of November, Miss Sowden’s class started the day with an assembly about Remembrance Day and what it means. We followed this on in class and at 11:00 took part in the 2 minutes silence. We each wrote a Remembrance Day acrostic poem and then put all our ideas together to create…
Remembrance Day
On Monday 11th November, Miss Gobel’s class learnt all about Remembrance Day and the symbolism of the poppy. We started the day by listening to Mrs Dudley’s assembly and thought about how many different people show their support in different ways. At 11am, we conducted a 2 minute silence to reflect on what we had…
Toasting Marshmallows!
Year 1/2 (Miss Discombe’s class) showed great responsibility when toasting marshmallows in outdoor learning. They were lovely on a chilly afternoon!
Matching Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
This week, year 6 have been working on fractions in maths. Today, they have been identifying equivalent fractions, decimal and percentages along with a matching visual representation. They co-operated well with each other to complete the challenge.
Finding The Mountains
For this week’s geography in Year 4, we have been locating countries and mountain ranges using an online quiz. It gave us three chances to get the correct answer before revealing it. Each time we played, we challenged ourselves to get a better percentage of correct answers than the previous time.
Year 6 use their Outdoor Learning skills
Year 6 have been enjoying some den building, gardening and tool work in outdoor learning this week. Hopefully, all the children who want to will make a reindeer to take home before Christmas.
Netball Festival
This term, our games focus is netball. Miss Sowden’s class attended a fun netball festival at the Exeter Road site. The class got to try out lots of fun games, play in small-sided games and work with children from other local schools. The Exeter Road leaders were well-organised and made our afternoon really enjoyable.
Exploring Division
This week, Miss Gobel’s class have been busy exploring division. We have being using visual aids to help support our understanding of long division and the process behind the ‘bus stop’ method. We can now apply this knowledge to problem solving and more abstract equations.